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I quickly dashed down the halls, hopping from surface to surface like a frog.

I smiled for once, actually having fun.

I quickly took off my shoes and stashed them inside of my bag, my feet quietly sliding along the glossy floor of the Tardis.

I had to resist myself from yelling at the top of my lungs “WOOHOO!!” ...but I was hiding, not tying to piss off the doctor.

I’d have to try that sometime

I thought to myself, quickly shaking the thought out of my head as  I ran for a room that I know I could survive in for weeks.

The kitchen.

Or, one of them

I smiled, hopping on top of the crates in the hallways, unscrewing each tedious screw on the air duct that connected to the kitchen so I could have a food supply.

Genius, I know I am.

I sat up in the crouched space, eventually getting settled as I munched on some leftover pasta from what looks like a few nights ago.

I didn’t really care.

I was hungry so I ate away.

I smiled after I was done, getting a blanket from the nearby cabinet a few rows down, also fetching some clothes.

I was a master at hide and go seek.

The thing was, no one ever really cared to look for me after three minutes.

It got lonely after a bit, but I just seated in my spot as I remembered the words that the other kids said.

“If it’s been a few minutes, still stay hidden, we will still be looking, we promise.”

I sighed, falling into a small hibernation as the diversion fields covered my location completely.

I was on strike.

And I liked it.

Is that bad?

Daddies Little Dalek (DW)Where stories live. Discover now