Faith is Tested Pt1

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Pups POV

I have been rather hesitant lately , about approaching the Doctor.

he seems a bit lost , and I cant help but feel an uncontrollable urge to go over and hug him and help.

but there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many reasons why I don't do that.

1 and foremost I was raised by Daleks, and last time I checked, They don't and never will have a single feeling except for hate.


and lastly just because I want to do it , doesn't mean I should. id be an absolute freak if I did! and besides, he doesn't see me like that, im 100% sure about that.

so instead of encouraging the fluttering sensation that was listlessly bubbling inside of me, I chose to be a butt munch.

I was never good with love.

But you cant blame me since the daleks had no feelings ,and if anyone fell in love with me and my dad found out, he would kill them faster then you can say "Fish fingers and Custard".

Yep , I was used to living a lonely life.

I sighed, flopping back onto my bed like a dead fish.

I decided to take a small nap.

I awoke, my eyes blurry, but I was cut short as a small cloth was shoved around my mouth, I screamed and struggled but It was no use.

I tried to yell and run but it was cut short as my doom was sealed, the last thing I hear was maniacal laughing of a man.

a Very Familiar man, I just couldn't put my finger on who.

I fell into a deep sleep.


Doctors POV

I sighed, flexing my arms back as I sat lounging on the console chair.

I sighed, wondering if The Puppet master would ever come out of her room.

I mean it is a bit lonely without company, that's the main reason for my companions.

Sighing, I got up from my chair, walking to her room to check on her.

I gently knocked on her door.

"Are you okay? I mean we haven't talked much since our last conversation. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I said, I listen for her response.

but I just sigh, hearing nothing.

"look, im here if you ever want to talk, okay?" I said, asking a bit.

"Hello?" I asked, knocking a bit harder on the door.

"HELLO!!??" I shouted, slamming my fists into the door.

I quickly took out my sonic, and burst the door open, but she was nowhere.

I walked over to her bed, and pulled at the covers

Suddenly I feel something shoved against my mouth, my vision starting to cloud.


I started coughing, struggling against the strong arms that held me.

but it was no use, I fell asleep.


Pups POV

My head thrummed furiously along with the steady hum of machines around me.

I groaned, opening my eyes gingerly, quickly shutting them due to the burning sensation that arose when I opened them.

I took a deep breath , and opened them again a bit slower.

I saw billions of lights , connected to various machines , connected by various cables.

I tried to move, gasping out in pain as I feel something dig into my lower abdomen.

I cried in pain , but I looked over to see a new face.

"Time to sleep, your time is coming." the man replied.

 I started to squirm around as soon as I saw the large needle filled with a colorful substance.

wincing in pain , I cried silently as  I felt the small tickle of the needle being jabbed furiously into my shoulder.

I tried clawing at the air, my eyes slowly drooping closed.

I gave one last cry of pain , and with that , I fell into a pain induced sleep.


No ones POV

 the aggravated scientist sighed, mumbling a few words before he continued his job.

he grabbed a small vial , filled with a toxic , black substance.

he sniffed it, his head jerking back after the smallest whiff had entered his nose.

he sighed, taking out the medium sized needle, and putting the nasty substance inside needle.

he grinned deviously , putting it in a bag and looking back at his boss.

"She's ready." he said with a nod.

with an acknowledging nod, his master took her body to the designated room , and put her body to its needed location , quickly attaching the vine like cable that helped balance the chemicals.

His Master nodded, grinning evilly as he looked at the resting body , locked up.

"its almost time." he said, shutting the door behind him , laughing like a madman.

That man , was the Master...

Master's POV

Everything was going perfectly, the stupid girl was hooked u[p , and all I was waiting for was the other guest.

my heart convulsed in an angry , bitter spasm at the thought of him.

but it just brought a smile upon my face.

This was payback, for everything he did to me.

I was going to enjoy watching him , watch his companion Die.

I heard the doors open , and I see more of them dragging a man with an odd outfit.

"That's him." I say , almost spitting in disgust.

"Over there." I pointed to the seat that had restraints built in.

I grinned , rubbing my hands together.

this was going to be Perfect.


Pups POV

I cried aloud in pain , the pain slowly escalating like trip to the top of a hill on a roller-coaster ride.

I jerked my hands and body around, trying to get free.

But It was no use.

I cried, a slight tangy taste faint in my mouth.

"Help." I murmured.

But for once, little did I know, it was already to late for me.


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