Home not so sweet home...

639 29 4

I sobbed into my hands, my fragile body shaking in shock.

Sniffling, I wipe away the surface tears did something I would never usually do.

I barricaded myself in.

I grabbed chairs, moved the small desk and such , and made a big pile in front of my door.

shuffling I trudged over to my bed, burying m face in a pillow as I cried , my angry screams and cries inaudible for anyone to hear.

I sobbed, tracing my fingers over the several scars on my brittle skin.

he's going to hate me.

he's going to kill me.

he's going to hurt me.

all of those vivid nightmares swirled inside my head as I tugged at my hair tightly, on the edge of going insane.

a Maelstrom of emotions and thoughts swirled inside of me as I sat in my bed.


I felt like Jekyll and Hyde, one part of me wanting to do one thing, the other going the complete opposite direction.

it felt like my hearts and entire body was being torn apart, in an all out war.


The thing was...

the war was against myself.


I took deep breaths, steadying myself , trying to stop shuddering.

the whole entire time I ignored the bangs on the door, the doctors apologies.

He wouldn't treat me that way if he knew I was A time lady.

So it was Alienist?? (Alien Racist...?)

I just huffed, wiping away the tears from my eyes.

I shuffled over to the bathroom , and looked at myself in the mirror.

my eyes were red and puffy, crows feet under my eyes.

 I shake my head, and put on my best small smile.

that quickly turned back into a frown.

I sighed, deciding to take a shower.

I hummed as I scrubbed myself, I reek of sweat and other unpleasant odors.

I smirked as I wrapped a fluffy towel around myself, putting my hair up in a towel.

I take out some clothes , changing into this : http://www.polyvore.com/bridge_get_over_it/set?id=104644371

I hummed as I looked at myself in the mirror, but I was quickly caught off guard.

"I thought I had closed the closet door, oh well." I say , sighing as I shut the door.

I was suddenly put on edge when I hear a noise.

an impossible noise to describe, but I heard it.

Must be the Tardis.

But then it hits me.

We were deep in space, and the Tardis only makes noise when she is traveling.

So what is coming from behind me?

I gulped slowly turning around.

What I saw before me made me want to run for my life.

but all I could do was let out the most blood curdling scream , the creature coming closer to me.

"Wha.. What are you? And hat do you want?"  I asked, backing up slowly as I looked at the creature.

its raspy voice made my skin shiver.

"You.. Dead." I t replied, and before I could react , I was being held aloft by the massive creature, struggling for air. I squirmed and wiggled but it wouldn't let go.

I clawed at its massive pelt, my vision getting cloudy as I struggled for air.

I my lungs start to burn, I start to accept my death.

I feel razor sharp teeth dig into my neck , I scream in agony as it shakes it head with me in its mouth, I was like the chew toy.

im quickly lifted up again , being held up by my throat, I kept struggling , my body shutting down due to blood loss.

My attention quickly jumps when I see the doctor smash down the door, he stares at me terrified.

the beat looked at me, a devilish smile spread its mouth open , its once pearly white teeth decorated with blood.

My blood.

Tick Tock Tick Toc

the last thing I see is the Doctors face horrified, as I feel him slash my throat.

then everything went black.


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