Faith is Tested Pt2

537 29 16

Doctors POV

White noise filled my ears as  I scrambled to get ahold of my senses.

with a loud gasp , I awake , my eyes burning as the bright light invades my eyes, accompanied by that annoying drumming from the after effects.

I shook my head, looking around.

"Its been so long, Doctor. Of Whom do I owe this Acquaintance?" I see the Master come over and greet me, his evil smile making my blood boil furiously thin.

"Where is she?" I asked, gritting my teeth to keep my composure in check.

"Oh Doctor, you always were one for your companions. Such a shame, you have to see her become a monster right in front of you, Tsk Tsk doctor." he said, waggling his finger in front of my face.

I restrained myself from biting his finger off as it waved itself in front of my angry face.

"what are you doing to her!?" I shouted, struggling with all my might.

"Oh, Doctor. You always were so silly. She is fine... For now. All in due time." he said, waving off the subject as he pranced around me like an animal closing in on its prey.

I gritted my teeth , struggling even harder against my chains.

"Oh , Doctor, haven't you learned that by now, the more you struggle , the less time it wil-" he said, playing with the rounded end of his cane that he flipped .

"the less time it will what?" I asked, my eyebrows raised.

"Patience doctor. now you might want to listen." he said, shushing me.

I angrily obey being compelled to his information.

"Now , there is a story that once in the universe, there was a child. Born of Dalek origin. Having become accustomed to the Dalek ways at one point she was ripped away from her family. Because of this, she was so consumed with bitterness and hatred , she sat and stared at the time Vortex, for millions and billions of years. Because of this, she also became part Time lord. But the thing is, both rival races had never liked each other much. But in one moment they all banned together in an attempt to destroy the demon spawn. fights became constant, several died during the long , mourning period.

The thing was, no one knew who its parents were. Some think it was the child of 2 neighboring Galaxies , the child falling into the vast milky way galaxy.

Because of this, everyone feared it, trying to justify reasons for war, but no reasons were true.

so , in a vast attempt to stop the war, one family got the child, and threw it into the time vortex itself.

it was said that the child had survived, awaiting to become the weapon that would end all wars."

he said, his evil grin getting bigger and bigger.

"and now my friend, is time for her to awaken." he said, whispering into my ears.

my mind swirled with visions of fire and explosions, my body feeling like it was thrown into a fire.

"YOU CANT DO THIS!" I shouted at him , aggravated with him.

"Oh, I think you will soon find out that I can do this, and you will have a front row seat." he said, with a quick snap of his fingers I feel my chair being moved.

I struggled aggravated , writhing against the chains that bound me from shredding the master into bits.

he just glanced at me, sneering in glee as he saw me struggle.

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