Sweet Dreams, Doctor

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We quickly dashed inside the Tardis, blasting off as we escaped as fast as possible.

I sat on the floor, breathing in slow breaths as I try not to cry.

"Is there something you're not telling us?" the Doctor asked, his eyebrows arched, a face that I was used to.

"Nothing," I murmured as I traced my fingers along the smooth Tardis floors.

"Look, I'm ju-"

"I know, I know, you're just trying to help. The thing is, your definition and my definition of help are extremely different. My definition is you dropping me off and promising to never see me again, where on the other hand yours is to try to get all touchy feely." I say, maiming the air with my hands with a disgusted look on my face.

"You know what, please, just do me a huge favor and just drop me off. Okay, please?" I say looking at him, I hear him sigh.

"Look, if you get too close to me you could end up dead within three seconds, and I know that you were just doing what you had to do, but I'd like to see how you would react if you were in my shoes, Doctor," I say, my hard glare unfaltering as I stared my possible murderer in the face.

I just hear a huff, and he looks up at me.

"Just one more day?" he asks.

"Fine, if it makes you so happy bowtie boy, I'll stay here for one more day, and besides, I'd hate to stay at a place where people talk about me behind my back," I murmur, walking down the familiar corridors.

I quickly stop by the closet and get into this : http://www.polyvore.com/bedbound/set?id=103698066 and got into bed.

My dreams would be pleasant, but for the Doctor, that I cant say as much for.


Doc's POV

Everyone seemed to retire rather early today, I raked my mind for any true reasons, but came up with none.

after a bit of browsing I decided it would be a good idea to go to bed.

I fell into my big bunk bed, a smile dancing across my face.

But one thing kept haunting me as I slept.

"I'd like to see how you react if you were in my shoes, Doctor."

And with one last nod I fell into a deep sleep, weird visions haunting me.

What the Heck?

I looked around, my curiosity making me feel like an imbecile as I immediately recognized this place.

I watched the scene around me unfold, but from a different perspective as I witnessed my tenth regeneration watch Davros die.

But instead of leaving I just stayed there, watching as a little figure ran thought the shadows. I hear cries echoing off the solid walls.

A small body maneuvered around the fires, rushing towards other Daleks retreating from the flames.

"The little Daleks.." I murmur, but quickly snap my attention towards the figure.

"Daddy, I'm so sorry, I promise, I'll find him," she says, and with that she pulls off her hood, and I stand, astounded.

I question but am quickly snapped back to attention.

"WE MUST GO NOW, PRINCESS!"  the Dalek ordered, its plunger moving vigorously as it retreated from the flames.

"I.. I understand," she murmurs, and with that a final tear is shed, and she teleports with the Daleks.

"Good bye forever, Dad."

I jet up in a sweating heap, looking around to see that I was in my room. I sighed, my head hitting the pillow with a hollow thunk as I gaze up at the stars on the ceiling.

I just sat there for a moment or two, pondering about what I had just dreamed.

Who is she, and what is she not telling me?

I grumble, fluffing my pillow as I get into a somewhat comfy position , going back to bed.


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