Sharp Teeth , Pointy Claws

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I hugged the bottom of the bed frame with all of my might, the Doctor trying to pull me out from under the bed.

“Come on, I just want to talk!” he whined, tugging at me feet which peeped out of the end of the bed.

“NO!” I whined, my arms wrapping around the metal criss cross pattern for extra stability.

“Please! I just want to talk!” he begged, letting go of my feet for a bit, I hear him breathing heavily.

“No! You’re just going to get me out from under the bed and kill me, just like my father!” I cried, holding onto the warm metal with slippery hands clammed up with sweat.

“Well, everything besides taking me from out of under the bed that would be a bit awkward.” I murmur, holding my finger up to my lip as I pondered, yelling bloody murder when he caught me off guard, I quickly latch onto the only safe hold.

I look over in his direction to see him bending down, his body on the floor as he tried to reason with me.

“Now, why would you think that?” he asked me, his eyebrows raised.

“Well what am I supposed to think!? I mean, you killed my father, and dear Gallifrey, I’m having a huge Star Wars moment right now. What do you think I would think? I would be skipping off into the limelight, playing patty cake with Daleks…? Newsflash, NO” I said at him, his face turning angry. Suddenly his arms start grabbing my arms, I flail in his harsh grip.

“LET GO! “ I scream, the bed rattling loudly as it thunked against the floor.

“Fine, you leave me no choice. AMY! RORY!” he yelled. I hear footsteps enter the room and I gulp.

“If anyone touches me, I am not liable for whatever wounds may present themselves on your pen-tip thin human skin.” I growl, feeling like an animal that is being cornered.

I had nothing to lose.

I growl as I feel three sets of hands grab my legs.

“You leave me no choice,” I grumble, baring my teeth.

I lunge for the neatest hand that grabbed onto me with lightning speed, striking like a cobra, the hand retreating.

“OW! YOU BIT ME!” I hear the Doctor shout.

“I’m not liable,” I said in a high singsong voice.

“If you touch me again, I will be more than glad to enact my version of kissing. And guess who always wins? THE ONE WITH THE SHARP TEETH!” I growl, panting as I feel adrenaline flow through me.

As my breaths seemed to stop, I was quickly alerted by the sudden silence.

“Shit,” I cursed under my breath as I awaited the surprise attack that was going to surprise me, but it never came.

I sighed, trying my best to nap upside down.

My entire nap, I kept scratching at my forehead, a sore seemingly bubbling to the surface as I scratched.

But after a bit of scratching I finally settled down.

I quickly jolted awake as I felt four pairs of hands grab my ligaments, I start yelling as loud as possible.

“LET ME GO!!” I scream, shaking my body furiously until the light hit my eyes as I was somehow hauled out from under the bed.

I heard a click behind me, my wrists chained together as I was hauled up onto the bed.

“I swear to God, if you don’t let me go so may I-“

I was suddenly interrupted by a throat being cleared; I looked up to see four people in the room.

“Professor Song,” I murmured before trying to retreat under the covers on the bed, with my hands tied.

I was horrified.


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