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My entire night was spent concocting a plan of escape; this would not end if I stayed longer than I should.

I spent the entire night analyzing the entire situation, using every variable and thinking of every possible outcome, and decided to go with the best idea.

And guess what that was?


Well, sort of, at least.

The next day I would ask to go to somewhere safe, have him drop me off, and hack the machinery, and have it fly off without me.

Yeah, that’s the plan.

I’m going to leave.

And not look back.

I finally settled into a long sleep, a dream bringing up questions for me.

I was running.

That’s all.

The Doctor, Amy, and Rory were all following me, but I hadn’t the strangest clue why exactly.

And that scared me.

But fears are irrational, so why have one?

But the truth is, I had one that will haunt me from now until the end of my life.

The Doctor is going to kill me, and he will be the last of the Time Lords.

I kept running down the hallway, seeing what looked like a light at the end of the hall. I quickly sped up until the light consumed me, the scene around me changing.

The light surrounding me seemed to morph, joining together to form a deformed shape.

“Dad?” I asked, and out of the light, my father appeared.

But he was different somehow.

“Puppet Master, my lovely daughter, know that I love you, and I always will, but I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” And suddenly his face seemed to morph into a face that I knew all too well.

The face of the man I had hated with both of my hearts.

The 10th Doctor.

Tears streamed furiously down my face, my anger toiling up inside of me like Mt. St. Helens.

“YOU KILLED HIM!” I shouted, swinging my fists like clubs, and instead of colliding with a rough body the body of the Doctor just seemed to vanish.

“What the hell?” I growl aloud.

“Oh, you always were so stupid, no wonder you parents abandoned you, and they even left you to float around in space in a little casket. They hated you, just like everyone else does! I hate being in the same species as you are. You are a disgrace to the Time Lord race!" he said, an evil laugh filling the empty air, the ground beneath my feet shaking, tremors marching along the surface.

“Stop! Please!” I cried, backing up as he approached me.

“Tick Tock, Time Lord,” he said with a triumphant smirk on his face.

Suddenly he whips out his sonic, pressing the button and directs it at my face. I’m suddenly blinded and I can’t see what happens next.

When my vision begins to work again, I feel something tickling my feet.

I look down to see a neon blue substance swirling around me, crawling and latching onto me.

It kept crawling; I struggled in pain as the substance tangled around me like ropes, my arms and legs unable to move.

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