All is Fair in War and Jealousy...?

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The Pupett Masters POV

I choked as i sobbed, rocking back and forth as i cried in iraational fear and pain.

i could still feel the bullets making contact with my skin.

i shook my head, dismissing the evidence that had just been shown before me.

i sniffled, slowly calming myself down.

my body shook as i kept my hand on the floor beneath me.

"Shh. Its okay." i look up to see a man with blond ish hair, coming over to me.

i couldnt move, i was tugged into his arms .

but when i was in his warm embrace everything felt beter.

i sobbed a bit, him patting my back assuringly.

"Who are you...?" i choked out, asking him as he handed me a tissue , quickly thanking him.

"It dosent matter.All that matters is that your safe from the Doctor." he replied with a gentle smile, my heart melting.

i couldnt control myself, i looked up to see that he was leaning in for a kiss.

i couldnt help but feel comfortable around him.

and when we kissed i felt like everything was going to be okay.

i knew everything was going to be okay.

Tick Tock, Ticketty Tock.

i feel his warmth disappear, my heart feeling suddenly empty as i longed for his comforting prescence.

i looked up just in time to his his shadow turning into wisps, it being carried away by some sort of invisible wind.

"Wher are you going?"  i asked, looking at the wisps as they were flying off.

"Shh. Is time to sleep" was all it replied.

i heard the familiar birds twittering and the uusual drowsiness fell over me as i fell into a sleep with a happy smile on my face.


Doctors POV

i awoke with a throbbing head, i gaze around my face set into a thin line.

"Ah.. Doctor , its nice to see you again." i hear the dream lords annoying voice and i gaze back to see him floating, him  slowly falling to the ground.

"Dream Lord." i mutter, angrillly.

"Nice to see you to." he replied with a fake kind smile.

"Where is she, where am i , and what did you do to her!?" i flared, his grin growing larger as i rambled on angrilly.

"Well first of all you can ask her yourself, second of all your in her mind, and thrid of all i did was i was ordered to do." he replied, with a tip of his top hat, leaning on his cane .

i thought for a minute , processing all of the information when i saw him move over to the side.

"Oh, The Pupet Master, Such a perfect hybrid, her entire life shrouded ina mystery even she cant unravel. her tapestry woven by an expert craftsman." he said, purring as he glided over to a lump on the floor next to me.

i rushed over to her to see her in pain, her face covered in a fresh layer of sweat.

"What did you do?!" i yelled, his crocodile smile getting even bigger.

"Well, lets take a look shall we?" he said, and with that i heard the birds chirp, i fell asleep.

i awake with a start to see what was going on below.

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