Differences Aside

492 19 6

Doctors POV

the entire night I spent my time , pondering, my brain a giant pool of my thoughts and feelings.

vines of hatred and jealousy weaved around my hearts, tangling around me.

I just sat there, my body rotting in a puddle of emotions as I searched myself for any conclusions to my self pondering.

Yet, I still couldn't find any.

my mouth lay agape, my jaw frozen in the same position as I kept my line of vision on the same spot.

I mean , to be honest, I was truly glad to find out I wasn't the only time lord, but the thing is, I still didn't truly know that much about her.

I mean, she is beautiful, funny, witty, and a bit unpredictable.

I felt my hearts flutter, my hearts beating faster out of sync , butterflies soaring through me.

I mentally slapped myself.


I dismissed the thoughts that stormed into my brain, shoving them out as I sighed heavily.

I knew it.

She was starting to grow on me.


Pups POV

I sighed, getting up and stretching, I scratch the itchy spot on my forehead.

"Ow!" I curse as I scratch a sensitive area on my face.

I sigh, shaking my head.

 I got into this : http://www.polyvore.com/hipstah/set?id=105084678, marching into the control room, I see the doctor looking at a screen with a picture of my face on it.

"You do know Doctor, that its very rude to snoop." I suggest, his arms thrown into the air in surprise as I sneaked up behind him.

he put a hand on his chest, catching his breath.

"You have got to stop doing that." he said, looking at me a bit cross.

"Ha, me?

Never!" I say , dancing around the Tardis console.

"You do realize Time lords don't have to sleep as much as humans , right?" he asked, flicking a switch, leaning on the console as he looked at me with flat expression.

"I mean , I guess so, but I still go to bed anyways. It lets me think about what had happened during my day, and I can also write in my diary." I say, doing a small pirouette, then looking over to see him glancing at me weirdly.

"Like what you see!?" I scoffed, his face turning a beet red.

"no.. Sorry, I was just thinking.." he dismissed, I grin.

I had caught him off guard.

I felt my hearts break a little.

I mean I know he is in love with River, and I honestly , TOTALLY respect that factor, and she knows how to use a gun..

yet, despite al of that, I still had a slight crush on him, it growing over time like plant.

The thing was, I knew he wouldn't like me back. I mean ,Im sure he is happy about not being alone, but I cant force love upon someone. And Besides, how could he love someone like me?

I mean seriously?

Im like a little 7th grade science fair project , me not even being a full time lord.

Well I am , its just that im full time Lady , plus a few other things...

Like  I said, it is a Loooooooong story.

And not one id like to talk about, especially now.

I mean , I look like every other teenager out there, the same looks, the same interests... well sort of, and same personality.

But, yet, I would still be a little to old to date anyone.

its a bit Pathetic if you think about it.

This amazing man turned up , saving me one day, he has a perfect life, friends, enemies, and adventures.

He was perfect.

Funny, dreamy, cute, and the looks that anyone would die for.

But, he cant possibly love me.

No way.

I quickly shook myself back to reality, giving a giddy fake giggle.

He loked at me oddly, quickly shaking it off.

"So where do you want to go?" he asked me, playing with the zigzag plotter.

"Can we see the Ponds??" I asked, balancing on my heel a bit.

he smiles and nods, and we were off.

the entirety of the ride, despite its shortness, I kept thinking.

I had to keep my guard up.

he had stolen my heart and if I was careful he was going to steal both.

I was one love sick puppy.



Daww.... I never knew Romance stories could be so...


"Touchy feely"

Its a bitt gross to me, but you know, if it amuses the readers and makes you guys happy, that's all that matters.


Happy Almost thanksgiving!!!

Anyways , right now im really sick , I sound a bit like Golem from the lord of the rings.

its a tad creepy, my voice sounds all weird and its hard for me to talk without sounding like going through Puberty.

It didn't seem to go over well with school today.


Anyways, thanks for ready, my lovely companions, and I will update as much as possible on my 5 day weekend!!!



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