It's Not My Fault

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I slept soundly, dreaming of my usual fantasies and past memoirs.

Most of the time I dreamed of my dad, even what my true home looked like, and once I even had a really weird My Little Pony Death Star dream (Thanks ItsLameIKnow!!)

I'd rather not talk about it now, maybe another time when my mind isn't a swirling vortex of my subconscious memories from my entire life.


I arose the next morning to a quiet atmosphere, I assuming everyone was still asleep, I got dressed into this:

I smiled at myself in the mirror, walking off to make some breakfast.

I look at a map salvaged from the systems memory banks.

I smiled, following the several pathways to get to the main kitchen. The atmosphere was very homey.

I look around and shrug.

No one was here...

Hopping over to the big cabinet, I sifted through the miscellaneous ingredients the doctor had.

Taking out the pancake mix and some bacon and eggs, I added the water, mixed, and threw in some black and white chocolate chips in one swift motion, grinning the entire time.

I turned on the griddle, pouring several decent sized pancakes for everyone.

I cracked a few eggs, whipping them in a small bowl, then adding it onto the decent sized griddle.

The eggs made a delicious sizzling noise, the kind that makes your mouth water for food.

I hummed a tune (the song is linked) whilst I flipped pancakes into the air with a grand toss, catching it perfectly I smile as I add cheese and bacon to my omelet.

I slipped on the smooth tiles with a little sass in my step, dancing like an all star.

At least, that was how I remembered it in my mind.

I placed the pancakes on a plate, dancing around the chairs as I set the big plate in the center of the table.

I put out the silverware, a few napkins and such.

I smiled as I looked at the lovely breakfast I had made.

I quickly snapped out of that when I smelled burnt bacon. Dashing over to the griddle, I take off the burnt pieces of what remained of the bacon strips.

I sighed, putting it on the platter in the middle of the table along with the other things.

I was dashing the orange juice pitcher over to the table when I heard a awkward cough. I jumped a bit in surprise.

"Hi," I smile shyly at Rory who was rubbing his face.

"Good morning, have you seen the Doctor?" Rory asked, looking down at the table suspiciously.

"No, why?"  I asked, a bit concerned.

"It's nothing..." he says waving it off, I just decide not to push it.

"If you want an omelet, some bacon, or pancakes, there a some fresh ones on the table,"  I say with a small smile as I walk over and pour him some water.

"Umm.. sure," he says, rubbing his eyes more, walking over and sitting down at the table.

I smile as I hum the same tune lightly as I get a few eggs and crack them.

"Anything extra in the omelet?" I ask, looking over to him as he took a small sip of water.

"Um, sure, cheese please," he replies with a kind smile.

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