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The Puppet Masters POV

I stretched, yawning as I awoke the next morning with a small smirk on my face, I quickly change into this : http://www.polyvore.com/dragoone_age/set?id=103725849.

I happily skipped into the console room to be met with three pairs of eyes.

With a sneaky grace, the Doctor slinked next to me, his eye filled with questions.

"What did you do?" he said, almost spitting in disgust.

"Do what?" I ask, looking at him.


"You know, the dreamy thing," he whispers the last part into my ears. My eyes go wide but I quickly regain my composure.

"What dream thing? I mean, seriously Doctor, are you going mad?" I ask, scoffing as a smile crept onto our faces.

His smile didn't last long, him walking up to me like a predator.

"Look, I don't care how clever you may be, but your hiding more secrets, and I will do everything I can to find them out." he said, his mouth in a firm line.

My next reaction wasn't a great idea.

I giggled, he turned looking at me enraged.

"You, you just admitted I'm clever, ha, I wish I could have recorded this moment. The oh-so-clever Doctor, admitting someone else besides himself or one of his companions is clever," I say, a final smirk dancing across my lips.

He grumbles as he trails around the Tardis console, pressing a few buttons.

"Well, it doesn't matter, anyways. The Tardis is almost done scanning you, and then you can leave the Tardis, little Mrs. Clever!" he exclaims throwing his hands in the air.

"Yeah.. about that," I say, drawling on, his head whipping as his gaze quickly met mine.

"What?" he asked, his eyebrow arched.

"Well, like you said, I am very clever. And someone clever like me has disabled the Tardis scanning systems, so looks like I can go home now!" I say, leaning on the console with an evil grin on my face.

"But... HOW?" He asked, his anger seething into his reddening face.

"Buttons," I said, aloud, the best lie I could think of quickly.

"BUT THERE IS NO DELETE BUTTON!" he exclaims, tossing his arms into the air yet again.

"Are you so sure?" I asked, his eyebrow arched, him quickly ducking down below the Tardis machinery.

Within a millisecond, I hack the Tardis scanning systems, taking all of the data away, a blank file filling the area.

His face pops back up, astounded.

"But.. HOW?" he asked, his curiosity mixing with his anger.

"Don't question my logic, Time lord, you'll just get even more lost in the Labyrinth of the Puppet Master," I say, a smirk on my face, I waltz out of the Tardis.

Score me: 1

Doc: 0.

This was going a lot better than I expected.


At least until I opened my eyes.

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