Time to Sleep...

616 27 11

I gasped, looking around me.

all I could see...

was space.

Stars surrounding me as I floated around, my mind buzzing with questions.

"what the Bloody hell?" I murmur, looking for any planets or nebulae.

at that moment my body seemed to be frozen , my weight in an effortless free fall.

except I wasn't falling.

my feet slowly touched the floor...


Im in space....

there is no floor.

I gazed at the bottomless eternity of space beneath me , yet somehow, I was standing.

I quickly looked upwards when I heard a voice from in front of me.

"Ahhh... The Puppet Master. My Employer has told me much about you." The man in front of me mused, almost amused by my surprise.

"Who are you, and where am I ?" I asked, baffled by the fact I wasn't hurdling through space, and into another comet or [piece of debris among the galaxy.

"I, Am The Dream Lord, and we are in Your head." he replied with an evil smile.

"Okay... so im going to pretend everything  you just said is true, if it is Why am I here exactly, you said you had an employer, which in term implies you were paid to do whatever you did to me." I replied, crossing my arms.

"Good Child, I see you are very curious, but I cant answer all of your questions, but I can answers why your here." he said with a spine chilling , wolf like smile.

"Okay , go on."  I say , patting my foot in a fake case of boredom.

"Im here to do what my Employer asked me to do. I im going to show you your worst nightmare, and your dream you will see both , and the thing is you cant die in either of them or your dead in real life. You must survive each test to regain consciousness." he replied, twirling a cane that seemed to appear out of thin Carbon Dioxide.

"But... Wa-"

"No more words, your worst nightmare begins." he said, his voice growing even more creepy at the end. At then end f his speech , I saw his shadow dissipate, and I felt really tired.

I fell asleep to the sound of chirping birds.


I rubbed my eyes, getting up and looking around.

 I was in my bedroom.

Good, it was just a dream.

I just sighed heavily, getting out of bed and walking intro the console room.

But this one was different.

there were arches spiraling around what I assumed to be the Tardis  console.

"Doctor?" I yelled aloud, met with an weird silence, I just shrug and go out the open Tardis door.

my bare feet felt frozen against the cool metal floor beneath my feet.

"Doctor? Anyone?" I asked, aloud looking around.

I was in what looked like some sort of a factory.

I quickly snapped my attention back towards the Tardis as I hear its wonderful sound filling the room.

I ran up to it, trying to desperately open it and escape.

but it just disappeared without me.

I cried, being left alone without the Doctor.

my head whipped around when I hear footsteps, I get up and walk towards them.

But I didn't walk very far.

The doctor formed right in front of me, looking like a detached substance.

"Doctor!" I cheered, running up to him and giving him a giant hug.

but his body turned to dust as I hugged it, I scream in surprise as I  see his body turn to ashes before my eyes.

"ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOUR NOT EVEN PURE TIMELORD! HA, YOUR SOME SORT OF ALIEN FREAK! LOOSE!" I turned around to see ever Doctor regeneration laughing at me, each of them looking at me with a malevolent stare.

the next thing I knew I felt punches and kicks hit me with a harsh force, I cry aloud in pain.

I looked up to see every doctor staring sat me , laughing at me and pointing as  they kept hitting me, one of them kept slapping me in the face.

"LOOSER!" I hear one of his regenerations shout, I feel more punches connect with me.

my head was thrown backwards at the force up a professional roundhouse, I hit the wall  and sink to the floor, the sound of my bones breaking reverberating inside of my head.

"TIME TO DIE." they all shouted in unison .

I cried , and tried to run , but I was paralyzed.

They were right.

I was weak , lame , stupid.

and I see it now.

I also see how much the doctor is a real monster.

the last thing I heard was the sound of my whimpers, and screams bouncing off the walls as the bullets pierced my skin.


Docs pov

I stared in front of me, my eyes blinking rapidly in a double take.

"Hello Doctor.." It purred, its teeth covered with blood.

Her blood.

"Your supposed to be fake! You are made up ! " I yelled , glaring at it angrily.

It chuckled heartily.

"Oh, Doctor. You always were such a child. Just because we were in Gallifrey fairy tales doesn't mean we aren't true. In fact, it just shows that the writer was not insane." it said, gazing at me with a devilish smirk.

it wiped its mouth with its hand, with a hearty chuckle.

"You might want to Check on your companion dear Doctor, I think she may be having a nightmare." it said, and I rushed over to her body.

she shivered in my hands, her skin pale. Whimpers and cries for help and death coming from her mouth .

"What have you Done to her?!" I demanded, picking her up and yelling at it.

"I did what my employer ordered." it replied, its hands crossing with another unsettling smile.

"Who!?" I asked, looking at it suspiciously.

"The dream Lord." it replied, I feel my blood boil.

"WHAT DOES HE WANT?!" I roared, the creature amused by my apparent anger.

"Her, Dead." it replied, its smile turning into a grim line.

"Save HER!" I shouted at it.

a quick chuckle came from his mouth as I shook her shivering body.

"Wake up, it me Doctor." I whimpered into her ear, her body shaking even worse.

"Take me! You don't need her!" I shouted at it.

"Oh, Believe me, he needs it more than you could ever have imagined. But I cant get her out, you can join her, but if you die , both of you end up dying." it replied an evil smile on its face.

"Fine, Take me." I replied, my mind made up.

"That's what I was hoping you would say." it replied with a devious voice and before I could react, I felt his sharp fangs pierce into my neck , I cry out in pain.

"Nighty Night, Doc" it replied, and with that everything went black...

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