Bloody Time Lord

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I dashed through the halls, running in accordance to the mental map I had made.

I had to keep running.

For my Dad.

My feet skidded on the floor as I took a sharp turn.

“Come on... please,” I beg, murmuring as I try my best to get out of here, I could hear my pursuers weren’t far behind.

I’m shooting down a hallway; I accidentally slip on the floor, a loud thud reverberating through the metal hall. I claw at the ground as I got up, trying to get up hen I feel a pair of arms pick me up bridal style, I squirm and try my best to get out of his grip.

But it was no use.

He was taking me to his Tardis to slaughter me in front of his companions.

He jumps on the teleport, and quickly runs inside his Tardis, locking the door behind him.

I tried to run; I fell on the floor and cry out in pain as I see my ankle is broken.

“Don’t kill me, please,” I murmur, looking upon at him with tearstained eyes.

Three pairs of eye were staring at me, each with a different reaction.

The blonde man, Rory, was staring at me, seeing my ankle was broken

The ginger, Amy, was staring at me angrily, thinking I was trying to barge in, she obviously didn’t really trust me at all.

The Doctor was staring at me, his mind was hard to read but I could tell he was trying to read my mind.

But he couldn’t.

“Are you okay?” he asked me, his eyebrow arched.

I just nod, trying to get up and escape, but quickly howling in pain as I try to walk.

The blond man walked up to me, I flinch as his hand reaches out to touch my ankle, his face filled with concern.

“It’s okay; I’m not going to hurt you,” he says kindly, and from what I can tell he really meant that, so I slowly moved my foot towards him.

He touches it gently; I shy away from the looks that everyone was giving me.

“It’s sprained; I wouldn’t walk on it for a bit,” he says, looking up at the Doctor.

The Doctor comes over to me, sitting down near my foot.

“Can I check it out?” he asked, looking at me worried.

I question his motives, but end up nodding.

When I feel his hand touch my ankle I feel his hand trying to sense it.

After a few seconds he stops, looking at me as he gets up.

“I’m afraid so, it looks like you won’t be able to walk for a while,” he says looking at me.

I nod, trying my best to get up, the Doctor helping me over to the chair a bit.

I sit down, looking at the symbols and patterns on the walls and such.

I freaking knew it.

I had just been rescued by the other last Time Lord, the man who killed my father.

The Doctor leans on the console, looking at me suspiciously.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking, what was happening in there?” he asked.

“The normal, I was always the Dalek test subject; I was in the chains because I was a prisoner,” I say, looking down at my lap.

“Oh,” he says, gazing at the screen.

After a tiny bit of silence, I finally decided to break it.

“Are you always so nice to your victims, Doctor?” I asked him, looking at him, met with a surprised face.

“What?” he asks, surprised by the manner of my question.

“Never mind,” I murmur, messing with my hair.

 “Where do you live?” he asked curiously.

“I.. I don’t have a home...” I murmur, tears streaming down my cheeks as I keep my face hidden.

“Would you like to join us on the Tardis?” he asks, his arms motioning to the inside of the blue box.

“Are you really going to invite a stranger into the Tardis, Doctor? We don’t know anything about her, and you're inviting her onto the Tardis! SERIOUSLY?!” Amy asked, enraged.

“Yes, Amy! She is just as human as everyone else on board this ship, and if you have any problems with her, you can tell it to me.” he said, motioning to himself.

With an angry humph, Amy left, the Doctor looking at me curiously.

“What are you staring at me like that for?” I ask him, annoyed at his penetrating stare.

He just shakes his head.

“Seventh room to the right, take a left, go up the stairs and take a right; it’s the third door on your left,” he says, motioning for me to follow him.

I open the door and he came in and sat down next to me.

I sighed, my head hitting the bed as I stared up at the celling, the Doctor doing the same thing.

“Heh, I bloody knew it,” I say, looking up at the metal celling.

The doctor turned his head, looking at me.

“Knew what exactly?” he asked.

“Nothing, Doctor,” I say looking at the celling, getting my body up.

“It’s okay, I won’t tell anyone,” he said, inching closer to me.

“No seriously,” I say, a bit scared by his expression on his face.

“Okay, goodnight,” He says, getting up and closing the door behind him.

I sigh.

“Bloody Time Lord...” I murmur, before going to bed.

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