Ch.9 Ice power

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In the hallway of the ice palace, Jackie and Northwind continued to polish the walls and furniture until, they came upon the forbidden door.

"Well what do you know" Jackie smirked.

"Jackie" Northwind said "You know we're not allowed to go in there."

"Since when are you a rule follower?"

"I'm just saying, remember what Crystal said? If she catches us she'll triple out duties, triple it."

"Well she's not here right now, she's out ice skating, and besides, I'm just gonna take a peek."

But when she tried to open the door, she found it was locked.

"Dammit" she grunted.

"Oh well" Northwind shrugged as he tried to walk away.

"No" Jackie smirked "I got an idea."

She then picked off an icicle that was hanging off a lamp table and started to pick the lock with it, and soon she was able to unlock the door.

"Here we go" she smirked as she opened the door.

She then peeked into the room and was surprised to see that it was filled with interesting items.

"Whoa North get a look at this" she said surprised.

Northwind took a peek and saw the items.

"Whoa" he gasped.

"Why is this place off limits? This is cool!"

And with that the two walked in the forbidden room.

The next day, now warmed up, Elena and Crystal along with Macy and Julie went to the ice wall as they admired the beauty.

"I gotta say Crystal" Elena said amused "You did a really amazing job of creating this, it's so unique and cool."

"Well it does run in the family" Crystal smiled.

"You should see her ice palace" Macy told Elena "It's like twice as big at this wall."

"And very beautiful" Julie added with a smile.

"Well I hope to see it someday" Elena smiled "But now that I'm all warmed up, let me see if I can get Crystal's necklace."

They then went to the hole that Crystal made as Elena zipped up her jacket, and put on some gloves and a beanie.

"Good thing I came prepared" she said as she crawled through the hole and entered the ice cave as the cold struck her face.

She then went to the crack on the ground where she saw Crystal's necklace down between the crack. She then held her hands over it as she used her powers on the necklace as it began to float it. She continued to bring it up until she was able to grab it.

"It got it!" she announced as she crawled out the hole and held up the necklace to Crystal "Here."

"Oh thank you" Crystal smiled with relief as she took the necklace and held it in her hands and close to her heart.

She then put the necklace on her neck as it dangled with her other necklaces.

"Okay" she said as she turned to the wall "Well since there's no need for this to be up anymore, let me take it down."

She then held up her wand and aimed it at the wall, and with the power of the wand, she shot out the snow magic at the wall. Everyone watched as Crystal did her magic, but they saw that the wall wasn't coming down. Crystal kept trying her magic on the wall, but it still wouldn't come down.

"Why isn't it coming down?" Crystal asked as she stopped her magic "There's no reason this should be up."

"Yeah" Macy agreed "I mean you're the only one here with this magic."

But at that point, a thought came to Crystal as her eyes widen with shock.

"Crystal what is it?" Elena asked.

"Oh uh..." she said nervously "It's nothing."

"Crystal..." Julie said with a wondering look "Is there something you want to tell us?"

Crystal bit her lip as she started to rub her arm with a nervous look.

"I know that look" Macy said "You're hiding something, what is it?"

Not knowing what to do, Crystal decided that it was time to tell them. She she took a deep breath as she tried to hide her nervousness.

"Okay" she said with a small sigh "There's something you should know about me."


But in town and inside an ice cream parlor, a young teenage girl with her blonde hair up in a ponytail and an apron on scooped up some chocolate ice cream and into a cone as she gave it to a customer with a smile.

"Thank you" the customer smiled.

The customer who's name was Dylan Foster was really Hopper Croakington II, son of the Frog Prince.

"Power outage must be your worst nightmare" he said to her "Loose a lot of merchandise?"

"No" she said with a small smile "I didn't loose anything, just lucky I guess."

Dylan gave one last smile before leaving the parlor. After he was gone, two more workers came out from the back and placed a bucket of what appeared to cream next to the girl.

"This is the last one" the boy worker said.

"Can we take our break now?" the other girl worker asked.

"Sure" the girl said as they took off their aprons and headed to the door "Oh, Jackie, Northwind."

"Yes?" they said.

"We're running out of cones, I need you guys to get some more."

"We're on it" Northwind smiled as he and Jackie left the parlor.

Now alone, the girl looked at the bucket of cream next to her, and after making sure no was around, she waved her hand over it as it immediately froze into thick ice cream. She then scooped some of the ice cream up with her finger and she took a taste.

She then went over to a freezer and leaned against it as ice started to appear behind her and around her. The girl then gave a smile as she crossed her arms, admiring how grateful she was to have such amazing ice powers.

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