Ch.65 Birthmark

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After a while of swimming, Meeshell came upon some large sea boulders where she swam to the top.

"Poseidon!" she called.

She waited until she heard a splash as she turned and saw sitting on a boulder was a girl with sea blue skin, her long purple and blue wet hair dripping behind her, and while her top was human, her bottom haft consisted of seaweeds and kelp. She was known as Posea Reef, daughter of Poseidon.

"Meeshell" she said "What are you doing here?"

"Where's your father?" Meeshell asked.

"He's busy right now, do you need help?"

"I do, Merlin sent me to ask Poseidon to open a portal for me so I can get to this new world."

"A portal huh? Then why didn't you ask me for help? I'm basically a goddess, I'm just as powerful as my dad, I can open portals too."

"Really?" Meeshell said surprised.

"Sure, where are you trying to go to?"

"A place called Storybrooke, Merlin told me it's where all my friends were taken to during the Evil Queen's curse."

"Storybrooke? Never heard of it, but I think I can open a portal to it."

"Oh thank you."

"Although, it's not gonna be easy, I've never actually opened a portal before, but since I have the same powers as my dad, I should be able to do it."

"Well give it all you got."

"And another thing, if I were you, I'd take this."

Posea then held out her hand as she used her magic to made a cuff decorated with shells and pearls appear in her hand.

"This cuff has the ability to give you legs whenever you want" she said "Even in water."

"Seriously?" Meeshell said surprised.

"Yep" Posea smiled as she handed the cuff to Meeshell "You don't have to worry about your tail appearing when you get wet."

"Thank you" Meeshell smiled.

"So you ready to go?"

"Yeah let's do this."

"Alright then, you might wanna climb up so you can dive in."

So Meeshell climbed into a boulder and let her tail draped as Posea began her sea magic. She waved her hands over the water as a small waterfall began to form, she continued to do her magic until the waterfall got larger.

"You might wanna go now" Posea suggested as she held her hands above the waterfall "I can't hold this very long."

"Okay" Meeshell "Thank you Posea."

"Good luck!"

Meeshell then dove straight into the waterfall as Posea sealed it up.

"Oh boy" she sighed with a worried look "I hope she makes it."

In the Narration world, inside of an office, Wendell was sitting in a spinning chair writing in a notebook when he suddenly heard a voice.

"Well" he turned and saw the Evil Queen who was in a wall mirror looking at him "I can see you've made yourself at home here."

"I have" Wendell smirked as he went up to the mirror.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now