Ch.56 Wendell

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After school, Kayla met up with Francis in front of the school.

"Francis have you seen my locket?" Kayla asked.

"Didn't you have it this morning?" Francis asked.

"I did, but after I did my track run, I went to my stuff and it was gone."

"Whoa" Francis said surprised "You think someone stole it?"

"I don't know, and if so, why? It's just a locket."

"Did you check the lost and found?"

"I did and it wasn't there."

"Well, I don't know what to do about it."

Kayla gave a groan.

"We'll look for it later, we should go now, we got homework to do. You wanna go to the 'Wonder diner'?"

"Fine" she sighed as they headed off.

"I don't understand" Kayla said as they walked down the sidewalk "Why would someone steal my locket?"

"Maybe they just wanted it" Francis guessed "I mean it is a really pretty locket."

"But still, they could get their own, that locket it very special to me, and I swear when I find whoever stole it, I'm gonna-".

But before she could continue, they suddenly stopped with a gasp as they looked at the wolf in front of them, it was the same wolf they encountered the other night, and the one Kayla knew was from her dreams. But what really surprised them was that hanging from the wolf's mouth was Kayla's locket.

"My locket" she gasped "It was you who took it?"

The wolf then tossed the locket onto the ground as it popped open to the picture of Kayla's family.

"Hey be careful!" she gasped as she picked up the locket "This locket is very special."

But when she looked at the photo of her family, she looked at the photo of Ramona, and all of a sudden, it came to her.

"Wait a minute" her eyes widen as she looked at the photo, and then at the wolf "Those eyes, they look just like Ramona's."

"You mean your sister?" Francis said surprised.


But when Kayla looked at the wolf, she spotted something around it's neck, she knelled in front of it and reached towards the wolf's neck to hold up a necklace, and the pendant was a handmade tree with a blue moon bead behind it.

"No way" she gasped.

"What?" Francis asked.

"This is the necklace I gave Ramona on her birthday the day before the curse."

Kayla then looked into the wolf's eyes.

"Ramona?" she gasped.

At that point the wolf gave a happy yelp as it gave a little jump.

"Oh my God" Kayla gasped as she stood up "I can't believe it."

"Wait it's Ramona?" Francis gasped.

"It has to be, it all makes sense, the eyes, the dreams, the necklace, it had to be her."

"Then, how do we turn her back?"

"Um..." Kayla said as she looked around and spotted Danielle "Danielle!"

As she caught her attention, Danielle came up to them.

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