Ch.46 Frozen town

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As they flew on the sleigh, everyone made it into the clouds where they stopped in front of the ice palace, but when they saw the ice palace, they all gasped, they saw that the palace was completely covered in ice, even more than the the palace itself.

"What the hell?" Elena said with shock.

"I knew that the ice palace was already made out of ice" Jillian said "But now this much ice."

"What happened?" Olivia gasped.

At that point the pixies got out of the sleigh and motioned everyone to follow them. Everyone got out from the sleigh and followed the pixies inside. But as they headed down the frozen hallway, everyone looked around and saw that all the furniture were completely covered in ice.

"What the hell happened here?" Elena asked with shock.

"Is the Snow King having another bad day?" Jillian wondered.

All of a sudden, Olivia slipped on some ice and she began to slide down and ice hill. She continued to slide down until she entered the throne room where she soon came to a stop, but when she looked up, she saw that she was in front of a frozen person as she gave a scream and backed away, only to bumped into another frozen person as she gave another scream. But when she looked around, she saw that the room was filled with frozen people.

"Oh my God" she gasped.

"Olivia!" Elena called as everyone entered the room "Are you-".

But when she saw the room, she stood there with shock.

"Whoa" her eyes widen.

"Holy mother of God" Jillian gasped "Everyone is completely frozen."

"Wait a minute is that the king and queen?" Jack pointed to the frozen people in front of Olivia as she got up an examined the people.

"I think it is" she gasped.

"But how do we unfreeze them?" Jillian asked.

"Maybe I can unfreeze everything" Elena said "But it's gonna take a lot of power. Everyone stand back."

Everyone stood back as she started to focus on her magic, she created a ball of purple magic in her hands as she concentrated on making it more powerful. And when she was ready, she blasted her magic across the palace, and soon all the ice was starting to melt. Everyone watched as the ice melted away from the furniture and the people. And soon the king and queen were unfrozen and were able to move again.

"What?" they said confused as they looked around.

"Are you guys okay?" Olivia asked.

"Who are you?" they asked.

"Apple White, along with Raven Queen" she pointed to Elena.

"But, how you here?" the queen said surprised "I thought you were in the Evil Queen's curse?"

"It's a long story" Elena said "But what happened here? Why was everything more frozen than usual?"

"It's our daughter Noelle" the king said "We don't know why but she just froze everything and everyone."

"Noelle" Olivia gasped.

"You know her?" the queen said.

"Yes she's in the other world with everyone else, including Crystal."

"Crystal?" they gasped.

"How is she?" the king asked.

"She's fine, but Noelle seems to be very, evil."

"Oh dear" the queen said with a worried look "I thought she was just in a bad mood I didn't know she turned evil."

"What has she done?" the king asked.

"Well she tried to kill some of our friends" Elena said "She even tried to kill me and Apple."

"Well we don't know what's gotten into her, I can't believe she would do that."

"Well everyone else is still trying to figure it out, and we have to go back to the other world to make sure they stop Noelle before she does anything worse."

"I mean we would stay here" Olivia said "But Ever After is still cursed."

"Well if your going back to Crystal" the queen said "Then can you give this to her?"

She then used her staff to make a snowflake purse appear in her hand.

"This is Crystal's purse" she handed the purse to Elena "It has all of her stuff in it."

"But, don't you want to come with us to see her?" Olivia asked.

"Oh we wish we could, but we have to stay and run the kingdom."

"Oh" she said sadly.

"But do tell Crystal that we miss her with all our hearts" the king said.

"We will" Elena said "And we'll still find a way to fully break the curse."

"Oh and, can you tell all the parents that are here that their children are okay?" Olivia added "Everyone is in a different world, but they're all okay. And tell my parents that I said hi."

"I will" he smiled.

"And thank you for saving us and our palace" the queen added with a smile.

"No problem" Elena smiled.

"Well we should be going" Jack said "We gotta get to Storybrooke."

"Storybrooke?" the king and queen said.

"Oh that's the name of the town everyone is in" Olivia said "In the real world."

"Interesting" they said with interest.

"Well we'll tell Crystal you two said hi" Elena said.

"Thank you" they smiled as everyone left the palace.

After the ice palace, everyone went to the Village of Book Ends where they stood in the street.

"Olivia you still got the bean?" Jillian asked.

"Right here" Olivia held up the blue bean.

"Alright then" Elena said "Let's get back to Storybrooke."

Olivia then tossed the bean onto the ground as it opened up a portal.

"Everyone ready?!" Elena asked as they all nodded "Jump!"

And with that they all jumped into the portal as it closed up.


In Storybrooke, inside of Town Hall, a portal opened in the air as everyone fell out from the portal and onto the floor as the portal closed up.

"Are we back?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah I think we're in Town Hall" Elena said as they all got up.

"Whoa" Jillian said surprised as she saw that she and her father were wearing new clothes "We get new clothes?"

"Oh yeah" Elena said "That's a perk of going into a new world, you get new looks."

"Nice" she smiled as she admired her new look.

"Okay we gotta tell everyone we're back" Olivia said as she went to the door.

But when she opened it, she was shocked to see that it was snowing outside.

"What the?" she gasped "Elena it's snowing!"

"Snowing?" Elena said surprised as she looked outside and saw that everything was covered in snow "How is it snowing? It's like spring already."

"Noelle" Olivia's eyes widen.

"Oh my God I think you're right" Elena's eyes widen "She's freezing all of Storybrooke."

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now