Ch.78 Ugliness

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"Oh my God" Brooke gasped as they went up to Briar "What happened to her?"

"There's you answer" Apple pointed to a spinning wheel on the other side of the briar covered room.

"How long has she bee asleep?"

"So far only a few months, but this sleeping curse is gonna be for a hundred years."

"So Faybelle already cast the curse?"

"It appears so, I don't know why though."

"Where is she?" Delilah asked.

"I don't know, she just disappeared after Briar fell asleep. No one knows where she is."

They then turned back to Briar.

"Poor Briar" Brooke said sadly.

"I'm surprised all those thorns haven't cut her yet" Delilah said.

"Uh, can we go now?" Apple asked with a sad look "It hurts to see one of my friends like this."

"Sure" Brooke said as they went out the castle.

"Okay" Delilah said "Let's just go the docks and get the ship."

But as they headed down the woods, Brooke suddenly spotted something on the grass.

"Uh, guys" she said as she bent down "Is this blood?"

The girls looked and saw that there was blood on the grass.

"It is blood" Apple said surprised.

"Someone could be hurt" Delilah gasped "We gotta find them."

As they followed the blood trail, they suddenly came upon a house made out of candy.

"What the?" Delilah said.

"Wait a minute" Brooke's eyes widen just as a girl wearing a peasant dress stormed out of the house with a scared look.

"Rosabella?" Apple gasped.

"You guys need to go" Rosabella warned in a scared tone "There's a witch that eat children!"

"Hold on" Brooke said as she went up to the house and looked through the candy cane window.

Inside she saw Ginger Breadhouse, but she didn't look like the sweet Ginger she knew, she looked like an evil witch with a long black and blue Gothic dress, and instead of her pink hair, he hair was black and put into a mess hairdo. Brooke's eyes then widen as she spotted something next to Ginger who was sleeping in her rocking chair, small human bones and skulls.

"Oh my God" she gasped in a whisper as she turned to everyone "Ginger is a cannibal witch."

"Yeah she just tried to eat me" Rosabella said with a scared look "We have to get out of here before she wakes up."

"Too late" they turned around and was shocked to see Ginger who was now awake.

"Well that was fast" Brooke said amused.

Ginger then stretched out her body as her bones cracked.

"Well that was a good nap" she said as she turned to Rosabella and gave a sniff "Oh boy you're blood smells so sweet."

"Why the hell were you going to eat me?" Rosabella asked "I thought you only eat children."

"Oh relax you were just a backup. But speaking of children, do you know where I can find some children?"

But before anyone can answer, a flute music was heard.

"Wait" Ginger said with a sneaky smile "Melody Piper, she's always luring children to their doom, maybe I snatch a few."

And with that she disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

"Oh damn" Brooke's eyes widen "We gotta save those children!"

"But what about the boat?" Delilah asked.

"We still have time, we just gotta hurry."

They then ran off while following the sound of the flute, and soon they spotted Melody playing her flute with a line of children following her. But as she continued playing, Ginger suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Hello Melody" she said with a sneaky smile "My what tasty- uh lovely children you have here."

"Save it Ginger" Melody frowned "This little dweebs aren't for you, they're for the river."

"Oh I'm sorry" Ginger said with a sarcastic smile "But do I care about your little killing sprees?"

"Do I care about yours?" Melody snapped.

"So what do we do?" Delilah asked as the watched from behind the trees.

"Apple" Brooke said "Do you have anything we can use?"

"Let's see" Apple said as she looked through her satchel "Oh, here's a bag full of poppy seeds, I can use my slingshot to shoot it at them."

"Well what are you waiting for?"

As Ginger and Melody continued to argue, Apple scooped some poppy seeds into her slingshot and aimed at them, she then fired as the seeds burst in front of them as they collapsed to the ground in a deep sleep.

"There" Apple said "Problem solved."

"Alright children" Brooke said as she went to them "Go home now, nothing to see here, ignore the sleeping bodies."

After the children went away, Rosabella suddenly gave a gasp in pain as she rolled up her dress to revealing a big deep gash on her leg that was still dripping out blood.

"Oh my God what happened?" Delilah gasped.

"A beast" Rosabella said with a sad look.

"What beast?" Brooke asked.

"Well, he was a friend of mine, until Queen Mira turned him into a beat and locked him away in her dungeon. I tried to save him today, but he didn't seem to recognize me, instead he tried to attack me, but I managed to escape, even though he scratched me."

"Here" Apple said "I'll help with that wound."

"Uh, Rosabella" Brooke said as Apple started to mend Rosabella's wound "Who exactly was your friend before he was turned?"

"Daring Charming" she said sadly as Brooke gave a small gasp.

"Yeah I was going to tell you that" Delilah said "But I must of forgot about it."

"I have to get back to my cottage soon" Rosabella said "I can't stand being out here, where people have to see my ugliness."

"Your what?" Brooke said.

"I mean look at me" Rosabella said with a sad look "I lost everything, my family, my home, and most of my books. Every since Mira took over, people have been calling me ugly, and boy are they right."

"That's not true."

"Oh of course it is" she frowned "I can see why no one wants to be with me, cause all I talk about it beast rights and books, and I'm not as pretty as the other girls. And boy it was a mistake to pledge beast rights, or else this wouldn't happen."

She turned to her wound that was now wrapped up with a piece of cloth.

"Rosabella-" Delilah started to say.

"I gotta go" Rosabella cut in as she turned to Apple "Thanks for mending my wound."

And with that she started off as everyone put on sad looks. Rosabella was ruined, everyone was ruined.

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