Ch.61 Biggest threat

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"Uh, Brooke who is this?" Elena asked.

"Allow me to introduce myself" Wendell smiled as he got up "My name's Wendell, and I've been trapped inside that book for a long time now, but now I'm free thanks to you girls."

"Hold on" Olivia said "So are you the Author?"

"Well I'm an author, but that depends on what book you're talking about."

"He's a traitor that's what he is" Brooke scowled.

"Oo someone's getting sassy" Wendell smirked "I gotta say Brooke, you haven't changed a bit. And for someone who hasn't missed me, I sure missed you."

"Oh quit the act Wendell" she frowned "You know what you did to me, you were put in that book for a reason, and now you're going back."

But when she took the book from Elena, she turned and saw that Wendell was gone.

"You know Brooke" he suddenly said as they turned around and saw him sitting on the counter "When I was in your notebook, I read all of your stories, they're good, but now as good as mine."

Brooke just gave a scowl as she tried to open her book, only to see that it wasn't in her hands anymore.

"Looking for this?" Wendell said as they turned and saw him near the door with the book in his hand "This is really nice notebook, but it's gonna be kinda hard to put me back when you don't have it anymore."

And with that he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.

"No!" Brooke gasped as she ran outside to see Wendell standing on the road.

"If I were you" he said to her "I would've hidden in this somewhere where no could find it, but it's a bit too late now."

And with that he pulled out a lighter and flicked it on.

"No!" Brooke screamed.

"You should know this about me Brooke" he smirked "I do love destroying things people love."

And with that he used the lighter to set the notebook on fire as he dropped it on the ground as Brooke stood there with shock.

"This is just the beginning" Wendell frowned "I'm not finished with you. I will destroy everything you love, and I mean everything."

And with that he disappeared as Brooke quickly ran to the burning book and put the fire out.

"Brooke!" Elena called as she and Olivia ran to her.

Brooke just looked down at her now burnt book with a sad look.

"Hey what's going on?" Elena asked her "Who is he really?"

Brooke gave a sad sigh "He's the Author."

"As in, the Author for that storybook?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah" she sighed.

"Wait" Elena said "You told us you didn't know who the Author was, but how come now you tell us who is he? Why did you lie to us?"

"Because" Brooke frowned "As you can tell, he and I had a rough history together, he betrayed me and broke my heart. He was a threat to me and everyone, and we put him in that book to protect everyone, and now he's free thanks to you guys."

"Brooke we're sorry" Olivia said with guilt.

"That book was locked for a reason! When a book is locked, it wants to stay locked! And now the biggest threat is now in Storybrooke!"

Elena and Olivia were shocked by Brooke's yelling, they've never seen her this mad before.

"You know what?" Brooke said with a frown "I'm not going with you guys, you two go ahead and try to find Bella and Brutta, I gotta take care of Wendell."

"But Brooke-" Olivia started to say.

"Just go!"

Full of guilt, Elena and Olivia had no choice but to leave Brooke alone as they went away, leaving Brooke alone in the middle of the street as she kept her eyes on her burnt book, with it gone, she didn't know what to do now to stop Wendell.

With the streets barely full, Brooke walked down the lit up sidewalk with a sad look as she felt her heart ache from Wendell's betrayal. And as she walked, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the note Wendell gave her at the bar, she read it once before putting it back into her pocket as she then reached a book store that was still opened as she went in.

"Ah Brooke" Merlin went up to her wearing a business suit "You're back."

He then noticed that she had on a sad look.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I wanna go home" she said sadly "I've had enough being in the real world, I've already gotten a story, a great tragedy story."

"Oh my dear" he said sadly "What happened?"

"I don't really feel like talking about it."

"So you want to go home now?"

"Yes please."

"Alright then, this way."

So Brooke followed Merlin to the back of the book store where he led her to the magic door she came through.

"You know how to get home right?" he asked her.

"Yes, thank you."

And with that she opened the door and stepped through it and into the fairytale world. But when Merlin came back to the front of the store, there standing at the counter was Wendell.

"Hello Merlin" he smirked "Never thought you'd see me again did you?"

"I was certainly hoping not to" Merlin frowned "Have you learned your lesson yet?"

Wendell gave a small chuckle "Of course not, you know there's no fixing me, I do what I want, and I don't care what anyone says."

"Well leave now, I'm closing."

"Oh I will leave, just not here."

And with that he waved his hand through the air as Merlin suddenly still.

"Thank you quill" Wendell smirked "You certainly have the power to give me magic."

He then went to the back of the store where he saw the magic door as he went to it and examined it.

"Hello old thing" he smirked as he opened the door and without thinking, stepped through it and into the fairytale world "Never thought I'd see this place again."

At that point he reached into his pocket and pulled out the Narration key Brooke gave him.

"I'm coming for you Brooke" he frowned "I will get my revenge."

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