Ch.77 Marionette

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As Hunter and Cerise waited in the forest, Hunter started to sharpen one of his arrows.

"I can't believe we have to wait for that Cupid girl" Cerise grunted "All she does is make couples break up, and they're pretty interesting to watch."

"She's only helping us because she can fly" Hunter said "Plus we may need an extra hand with arrows."

"What your arrows aren't enough?"

All of a sudden a gush of wind was felt, they looked up and saw CA Cupid flying above as she landed in front of them. She tucked in her large black feather wings and fixed her hot pink hair and brushed down her black dress while gripping a silver bow and heart tip arrows.

"So" she said "I was called to help."

"Yes" Hunter said.

"So who's heart do I have to break?"

"You're not breaking any hearts, all we're doing is looking for some girls."

"Do you want me to break up their friendship?"

"No, Queen Mira wants us to look for Apple White, along with these girls who I already forgot their names."

"Apple huh?"

"Yeah" Cerise said "Turns out this guy knows where she is, and he wants these two girls dead. So if we can find Apple, I get two girls for dinner, and I really want that."

"So what am I suppose to do?" Cupid asked with a bored look.

"You" Hunter said as he handed her a piece of paper "Are gonna fly around looking for Apple, and those girls."

Cupid looked at the paper to see an illustration of Brooke and Delilah.

"Alright" she said "I'll look for them. It may take a while though."

"Take the all the time you need" Hunter smirked.

And with that Cupid spread her wings out and flew into the sky.


"So where exactly are we gonna get a boat?" Apple asked as she, Delilah, and Brooke headed down the forest.

"Well" Delilah said "From what I read in the book, there's a town that has a wood shop, we should be able to find a boat there."

"But how exactly are we gonna take the boat to the water?" Brooke asked "By pushing it?"

"We'll see. But we should arrive at the town right about- whoa."

In front of them was a destroyed town covered in ashes, everything was completely burned and demolished.

"Oh my God" Apple gasped "This was the town Raven destroyed."

"It was?" Brooke gasped.

"Uh, maybe there's somethings that survived" Delilah said as they headed into the burnt town.

As they headed down the street, they soon came upon what appeared to be a puppet theater.

"Hey this doesn't seem destroyed" Delilah said.

"Whoa wait a minute" Brooke said as she read the sign "Now Showing: Cedar the Marionette."

At that point everyone's eyes widen as Brooke inserted a coin into the coin slot, and soon the red curtains pulled away to revealing a marionette with pink curly hair, a long nose, and donkey ears.

At that point everyone's eyes widen as Brooke inserted a coin into the coin slot, and soon the red curtains pulled away to revealing a marionette with pink curly hair, a long nose, and donkey ears

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