Ch.71 Heroes and Villains

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Everyone ran down the sidewalk until they saw Mira on the bench clutching her hand.

"Mira!" Elena called as they ran up to her "What happened?"

"That Wendell guy sliced my hand" Mira scowled.

"Oh God we're too late" Delilah said with a worried look.

"Maybe we're not" Brooke said "We just gotta find Wendell before he uses it."

"I don't have for this crap" Mira frowned "I gotta see Milton and throw a fireball at him."

"Wait what?" Elena said.

"After seeing that video Olivia posted of Grimm being a liar, it makes me hate him more, and now I'm gonna teach him a lesson."

And with that she disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.

"Okay that doesn't sound good" Elena said shock as she turned to everyone "Uh, you guys go ahead and look for Wendell, I gotta stop Mira."

And with that she used her powers to teleport to the front of the school where she ran inside the school and to the main office where she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Mira using her powers to hold Mr. Gram against the wall.

"Mira stop!" Elena ordered.

"This guy has been lying to us this whole time!" Mira yelled "He has to be taught a lesson!"

"No he doesn't!"

"You don't understand Raven, I wanted to write my own story too when I was at Ever After High, but I couldn't because he told me I would disappear if I did. But nope, he lied, I could've written my own story by now instead of living the one I was forced to live!"

"Wait I thought you wanted to be the Evil Queen?!"

"I did, just to get back at Snow White, now to actually follow my destiny! But it's a little to late now, I'm still the Evil Queen, I can't control myself, and it's all his fault!"

She turned to Mr. Gram with anger.

"You did this!" she yelled "You made me who I am! All because you wanted your stupid power and to be in control!"

"Mira just let go of him!" Elena ordered.

"I will once he drops dead!"

But at that point, Elena shout out her magic at Mira as it shoved her into the wall releasing Mr. Gram as he fell to the floor with relief.

"That's enough Mira!" Elena ordered "You can't solve everything with magic you know."

But instead of talking back, Mira started to cry.

"Mira?" Elena said "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry" Mira cried.

"You're apologizing? Why?"

Mira gave a sniff as she pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around them.

"I think it's time I told you the truth" she sniffed.

"The truth? What truth?"

"Um, do you know why I've been wanting you to follow your destiny to be like me?"

"So we can rule Ever After together?"

"Well that was one of the reasons, but the real reason is because-".

She hesitated.

"What's the real reason?" Elena asked.

Mira gave another sniff as she wiped her eyes.

"Because I didn't want to loose you" she said sadly.

"Loose me?"

"I thought that if you didn't follow your destiny, you would disappear and I would loose you forever, I thought that because that's what he told me."

She pointed to Mr. Gram with a frown.

"I've been forcing you to follow your destiny because I was afraid you would disappear" she said sadly "But now that I found out it's all been a lie, I've been worried for no reason."

"Mom" Elena gasped "Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because I was afraid to, even as an adult I was afraid. I just didn't want to loose you, you're my only child, I was trying to protect you, I was trying to be a good mother. But obviously you didn't see me as a good mother, no one does cause everyone is afraid of me."

Mira then started to shed some tears.

"I thought being feared and powerful would get me what I want" she sniffed "For you to be alive, but now I realize that I've been doing it for no reason. I wished I was there for you, but I've been so busy trying to protect you that I never got a chance to actually bond with you. I know you've been afraid of me since the beginning, and I never wanted you to be afraid of me, I never wanted anyone to be afraid of me. It's just all of this pressure of being the Evil Queen got to me, I thought following my destiny would put the pressure away, but it hasn't."

"Wait you never wanted to be the Evil Queen?" Elena gasped.

"No" Mira sobbed "But I was afraid I would disappear if I didn't follow my destiny. But now I can't control myself, anyone is afraid of me, everyone will always be afraid of me, even you."

"Mom wait" Elena said as she knelled next to her "I'm not afraid of you."

"Of course you are, don't lie."

"Because I didn't know any of this. I thought you were a bad mother, but instead you were just trying to protect me, you are a good mother."

"I just didn't want to loose you."

"And you wont, now that we know it's all been a fake, you wont loose me."

Mira then gave a sniff as Elena pulled her into a hug.

"I love you mom" Elena said as she felt her eyes water.

"I love you too" Mira sniffed as they hugged.

As he watched them hug, Mr. Gram gave a sad sigh.

"What have I done?" he asked himself with a sigh "I never wanted to tear apart families."

"Well there's really nothing you can do now" Elena said "But right now, there's something we should be doing."

"What?" Mira asked.

"Wendell took your blood because he needed to use it for ink to get revenge on Brooke, and if we don't stop him, something bad could happen to all of us."

"Well what are waiting for? Let's stop him."


Now with the ink and quill, Wendell made his way into Mr. Gold's shop.

"Can I help you?" Mr. Gold asked.

But instead of answering, Wendell waved his hand as Mr. Gold fell to the floor into a sleep. Wendell then went behind the counter and waved his hand over the table as a book titled 'Heroes and Villains' appeared.

 Wendell then went behind the counter and waved his hand over the table as a book titled 'Heroes and Villains' appeared

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He then flipped to the front page and dipped the quill into the ink.

"This time, no one gets a happy ending" he said as he started to write on the page beginning with the words: Once Upon a Time...

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