Ch.38 Trolden Mirror

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At the Storybrooke Library, Kim went out of the library and locked the door so she can go on her break. But before she could head off, she spotted something on the ground and saw that it was an ice trail, she saw that it went around the corner so she followed it and saw that it led up to the woods.

Having a feeling that it belonged to Noelle instead of Crystal, Kim decided to follow it hoping that it would lead her to Noelle's hide out. So she started to follow the ice trail and into the woods. She then started going up hill while still following the trail until she came upon a sigh that surprised her.

In front of her was a cave completely covered in ice, and the ice trail led into it. Wondering what was inside, Kim zipped up her jacket and went into the cave where she peeked in and saw that no one was there. So she went in and into the ice room where she admired how beautiful it was with it's winter themed furniture and decorations.

But before she could leave to tell everyone, she suddenly heard someone call her name.

"Kim" she heard it echoed "Oh Kimberly."

But as she looked around, she saw no one.

"Over here" she heard it echo again.

This time she was able to locate the sound to one side of the room where she saw something that was covered with a white sheet.

"Come here Kim" the voice echoed as she went over to the sheet and pulled it off to reveal the large white mirror.

"Hi Kim" her reflection said which made her gasp, her reflection was talking to her.

"Uh, hello?" she said confused.

"I was hoping you'd find me" her reflection said.

"Uh, who are you?"

"I'm your reflection silly, but unlike your other reflections, I reveal the truth about you."

"The truth?"

"I know all your darkest secrets and biggest fears."

"I don't have any dark secrets."

"Don't lie, of course you do, but there's one secret that you try to hide from everyone. Have you ever wondered why no guy wants to be the beast in your story? Of course you do, not only do they not want to be harry and be scared of, but also you don't think you're pretty enough for them."

"That's not true" Kim said shocked.

"Oh you know it's true" her reflection frowned "You know it because I'm you. Ever since you were young, you would always look into a mirror and feel like you're not pretty enough for your story, and you still do it. You were even jealous of your cousin cause you thought she was prettier then you."

"Stop it" Kim ordered.

"It says so in her story, when she fell asleep, many princes tried to wake her up but failed, and for that many princes to come, you can say they were really attracted to her."

"It's just in her story."

"And in your story, no guy wants to be the beast, cause you think no guy is attracted to you, even Aidan. And even though he's really the beast, do you think he enjoys it? Of course he doesn't, he doesn't want to be feared and ugly, and he doesn't want to be with you."

"Enough" Kim ordered as she felt her eyes water.

"Oh it's true Kimberly, Aidan doesn't want to be with you, you wanna know why? Cause he's not attracted to you, cause you're not pretty enough for him. In fact, he has feelings for someone else, someone way prettier then you."

"I said enough!" Kim screamed as she burst into tears as her reflection gave a laugh.

"You know it's true" her reflection said "And you can't escape it, cause you can't escape yourself."

At that point Kim ran out of the ice room and into the woods where she continued to cry while running down hill.

Now that Noelle was back after being in the urn, Crystal felt that everything was going to okay, even though she's still pretty upset about Jackson, but she knew she had to move on. So as she laid on her bed, she stuffed a snowball into her blaster and blasted it into the air as it burst into snowflakes. But as she watched the snowflakes drop, she wondered what Noelle was doing.

Towards the back of the palace, Noelle walked down the hallway with her phone in her hand as she admired her palace since she hasn't seen it in a long time. But as she was doing so, she suddenly tripped over a leg of a table as he phone slipped out of her hand and slid under a door. She went to the door and tried to open it, but she found it was locked.

"Dammit" she grunted "Sorry mom, it'll be quick."

So she used her powers on the lock as she heard it click, she then opened the door and saw her phone across the floor. But just when she picked it up, she suddenly heard a noise that sounded like banging, she looked in front of her and heard that the noise was coming from something covered with a sheet. Wondering what it was, she pulled the sheet off to reveal a large white mirror.

Noelle then heard that the banging was coming from the mirror, but all she saw was her reflection. But as she looked closer, she saw something else in the mirror, it looked like someone in the mirror was looking at her, but she couldn't tell who it was.

All of a sudden, Noelle began to feel something going inside of her from the mirror, she couldn't tell what it was, but she felt herself changing. When it was finished, Noelle looked at her reflection and saw that she still looked the same, but she she didn't feel the same. Instead, she felt, passion and anger, and when she looked at her reflection her eyes turned a bright blue before turning back to normal.

She was not the same girl anymore, now all she felt was anger and jealousy, jealousy towards her sister. Noelle then clutched her fist as she stormed out of the room, knowing that she had changed, she had changed for the worst.

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