Ch.21 Ice stairs

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(Flashback) The next day after her date with Jackson, Crystal laid against her bed and was on her Mirror Pad when Noelle entered.

"Hey" she smiled.

"Hey" Crystal smiled.

"So are you doing anything with Jack today?" Noelle asked as she sat on the bed.

"I don't know. I mean we just went on a date yesterday."

"Hey about your date, were there sparks between you two?"


"Oh come on, you must of felt some sparks."

"Well uh, I think we did" Crystal said with a small smile.

"Oo" Noelle grinned "So when are you guys gonna go on another date?"

"Oh I don't know, hopefully soon" she smiled.

"Oh my gosh" Noelle smiled as she held up her hands "I am so shipping you guys-".

All of a sudden, ice magic shot out from her hands and created ice spikes on the ceilings as they girls gasped.

"Oh my God" Crystal gasped as she sat up and turned to Noelle "Noelle have you been practicing your magic?"

"Yes but I thought I had them under control" Noelle said with shock "I guess I still can't control them. And I think I should go, I don't want to hurt you."

She then got up and headed to the door.

"Noelle" Crystal called.

"Crystal it's fine, I think I just need to practice more."

As she went away, Crystal gave a sad sigh. She knew that Noelle has been struggling with control her powers, but everything she did, she couldn't seem to control it.

After leaving the diner, Aidan and Brooke went to the Storybrooke park where they saw Jackie and Northwind sitting on a bench on their phones.

"So what are we gonna do?" Brooke asked.

"Well we just gotta get them to the police station and try to communicate with them."

"But they're shapeshifters, they can turn into any winter animals. They can turn into polar bears and attack us."

"Well do you have a better idea?"

"Um... oh wait."

She then went to her car where she reached into a compartment and pulled out a dart gun.

"You carry a dart gun in your car?" Aidan asked surprised.

"Well I think it's better than an actual gun" she said "I mean I don't like to kill people."

"Alright then" he sighed "Let's get them."

Brooke hid the dart gun in her jacket as they went up to Jackie and Northwind.

"Jackie Frost" Aidan said "Northwind, we would like a word with you."

"Uh, I'm not Northwind" Northwind said as he tired to hide his guilt "I'm Ryan Reynolds."

"Ned Reynolds" Jackie corrected with a dull look.

"Ned Reynolds."

"Cut it out" Brooke frowned "We know who you guys are, now would you tell us where Noelle is?"

Jackie gave a mad look before shoving them to the ground and running down the sidewalk.

"Brooke she's getting away!" Aidan yelled.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now