Ch.35 Regret

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Noelle continued to sob over the ice pieces that used to be Jackson, she still couldn't believe that she just killed her sister's boyfriend, she knew that she would never forgive herself.

"Noelle?" she suddenly heard Crystal say as she felt her heart pump faster "Noelle what's going on?"

But when she saw the ice, she realized who it was as she gave a gasp in shock.

"Noelle!" she gasped.

"I didn't meant to" Noelle sobbed as she stood up.

"What did you do?" Crystal gasped as Noelle hesitated with tears in her eyes "What did you do?!"

"I was trying to stop Jackie and Northwind but my magic hit Jack" Noelle sobbed "It was an accident you have to believe me."

"Stay away from me" Crystal ordered as she held her hand up towards Noelle with a scared look on her face.

"Please" Noelle begged as she sniffed "Don't be afraid, you said that you would always be there for me, I'm sorry Crystal, but you have to help me."

She then held her hand out.

"Take my hand" she begged as she continued to cry.

But Crystal just shook her head as her eyes began to water.

"I'm sorry Crystal" Noelle sobbed "I feel terrible, but please help me."

"You killed Jack" Crystal said as she began to cry "You're a monster!"

Noelle gave a gasp as Crystal then spotted the urn on the seat.

"Crystal" Noelle said as she realized what Crystal had in mind.

Without thinking, Crystal picked up the urn as she took the top off as she aimed it towards Noelle.

"Crystal" Noelle gasped as she began to get sucked into the urn.

Seeing Noelle's shocked look was the last thing Crystal saw when Noelle was fully sucked into the urn as she quickly closed it. She then set the urn down as she spotted Noelle's gloves on the seat, she picked them as she then knelled down next to the ice pieces. Pain was all she was feeling as she began to sob while feeling her heart breaking.

"Jack" she sobbed as tears poured out.

She continued to sob as she looked at her sister's gloves, still in shock by what Noelle did. But now that Jackson and Noelle were gone, she knew what needed to be done.


"You're face shows great tragedy my child" Old Man Winters said to Crystal as they stood outside his home.

"I lost my sister and boyfriend today" Crystal said sadly.

"Oh, I am so sorry" he said sadly "How did such a thing happen?"

"It's too painful to talk about" she said as she felt her eyes water "But my pain has to be set aside, we need to see that the Winter Kingdom and all of Ever After survives this, which is where I need your help. I need a memory potion, strong enough to make all the realm forget that Noelle and Jackson ever existed. I don't mind if my parents remember, but everyone else who knew Noelle and Jackson must forget. My friends, Jackie, Northwind, everyone who knew them must forget about them. Can you do this?"

"Yes" he sighed "But my dear, I must warn you, the truth has a way of coming out one way or another."

"You mustn't" she begged "The future of the kingdom depends on it."

"I will do this for you."

"Thank you" she sighed with relief.

"But this is strong magic that you speak of, and magic always comes with a price."

"Very well" Crystal sniffed "Thank you again."

And with that she started off.

"We shall see" Winter sighed.

At the police station and in the main office, Crystal continued to look at her snowflake ring as she thought about Jackson as it snowed around her.

"Hey" Macy entered along with Julie.

At that point Crystal made the snow go away.

"Hey" she said back.

"You thinking about Jackson?" Julie asked.

"Yeah" Crystal sighed.

"That really is a pretty ring, he must of loved you a lot when he gave you it."

"He did" Crystal said with a sad look.

"Hey look" Macy said "I understand that it's too painful to talk about, but are you sure Jackson wasn't the cause for Noelle's jealousy?"

Crystal gave a sniff as she remembered what Noelle did to Jackson.

"Crystal" Julie said "We don't want to put pressure on you, and even though you told us Noelle didn't have feelings for Jackson, was she like involved in you and Jackson's break up or something?"

"Jackson and I didn't break up" Crystal sniffed as she felt her eyes water.

"What?" they said.

"It's worse than that."

"What do you mean?" Macy asked.

"He-" Crystal said as she let a tear drip "He's dead."

Macy and Julie gasped with shock.

"What?" Julie gasped.

"How did that happen?" Macy asked with shock.

"He was killed" Crystal said as she started to cry "By Noelle."

And with that she burst into tears as Macy and Julie stood there with shock.

"Oh my God" Macy gasped as they sat around her "Crystal we're so sorry."

"That was the main reason I had to put Noelle in that urn" Crystal sniffed "I had to protect everyone from her, but now I'm starting to regret it, cause if it wasn't for me, she wouldn't be who she is now."

"Hey it's okay" Julie comforted her.

"No it's not" Crystal sobbed "I was in so much pain when I discovered that she killed Jack, and I wanted to get rid of my pain while keeping my kingdom and Ever After safe by making everyone forget her and Jack, that was the biggest mistake I've ever done, and Noelle never forgave me."

Crystal continued to sob as Macy and Julie tried to comfort her.

"I'm sorry Crystal" Julie said sadly "But I'm glad you finally told us."

"And now I don't know how to stop her" Crystal cried "And it's all my fault."

She then buried her face into her arms on the table as she continued to sob. And she was sobbing, she kept hold of her ring, the promise ring that Jackson gave her, all before the big tragedy.

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