Ch.81 Darkness

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Everyone stood there surprised after watching Wendell get sucked into Pandora's Box.

"We did it" Brooke said surprised "We trapped Wendell."

"I am so not gonna miss him" Delilah smiled.

"So what are you gonna do with the box?" Olivia asked.

"Well" Brooke said "We gotta put it in a a safe spot."

"Well in that case" Elena smirked "I know a spot."

Soon they were in Mr. Gold's shop as Elena placed the box into a safe that already contain the magic mirror that Elena trapped the Evil Queen in.

"There we go" Elena said as she closed the safe and locked it "Now no one can get in."

"Well except him" Aida pointed to Mr. Gold.

"Like I would release the Author" Mr. Gold said with doubt.

After that, Brooke went to the mansion where she sat at the desk in the main library with her storybook and Wendell's storybook in front of her and she looked at the quill in her hand.

"Hey" Delilah entered "Thought I'd find you here. So how does it feel to be the new Author?"

"I don't know" Brooke said "I don't really feel anything."

"Well since you've erased Wendell's story" Delilah said as she flipped through Wendell's book to show all the blank pages "You can use this book to write a better story."

"I was thinking about that, and I was wondering if I can use the quill to send all of us back to Ever After."

"Oh" Delilah sighed "Well I wish you can, but in order to do that it'll take a massive amount of magic, the Evil Queen's curse has some serious dark magic, and even though the Author is basically the most powerful person in the fairytale world, it couldn't go against this dark magic."

Brooke gave a sad sigh.

"Tell you what Brooke. Since we can't leave this town, I think you should only use the quill for emergencies. But hey, feel free to use Wendell's book to write your own story."

"I just can't think of one" Brooke said "Ever since Wendell betrayed me I lost my inspiration to write my own story."

"It's okay, you'll find inspiration, I mean look around you, inspiration is everywhere, you just gotta look. And it may take a while, but you should find your story soon."

She then turned to the storybook.

"Now these stories" she opened the book to a page with an illustration of Ever After High "These can't be erased, they're more than stories, they're the truth. And the truth, is what you must write. I hope you can risk the temptation of the quill, because in a world of fiction, one's imagination can make anything into reality."

Brooke then looked at the quill, knowing that she holds the power to change reality. But she just placed it back into it's case and set it down.

"No one should have that much power" she said as Delilah gave a small smile.

"I must say" she smiled "We've found the right person for the job."

But instead of smiling back, Brooke just gave a sad look as she lowered her head.

"What's wrong?" Delilah asked.

"It's just-" Brooke sighed "I can't believe the first guy I thought I loved ended up betraying me, I actually thought I found love."

"Hey, it's okay, I felt the same way when Wendell betrayed me. But we have to move on, first love isn't always perfect you know. And hey, you will find love someday, and when you do, you'll know that he'll be the one because he respects you, he loves everything about, and he doesn't betray you. It just takes time, you'll find the one soon."

Brooke gave a slight smile, hoping that one day she'll actually find real love.


At nighttime, Elena and Terrence went to the 'Wonder diner' where they both got cups of tea.

"It feels so good to be back" Elena said "Being inside of that tower made me so lonely."

"I can't believe that in Wendell's book I died trying to save my sister" Terrence said "Well that shows that I'll never be a good hero."

"Hey" Elena smiled "You'll always be my hero."

Terrence gave a small smile just as Mira came up to them.

"Uh, hey" she said awkwardly.

"Uh, hey Mira" Elena said.

"Can I, talk to you?"

"Um, sure."

Elena then turned to Terrence.

"It's okay" she said "She's harmless now, I think."

"What?" he said.

"I'll explain later."

She then turned to Mira.

"So what is it?" she asked.

"There something I need to show you" Mira said.

And with that she reached her hand through her chest and pulled out her heart as their eyes widen.

"See this?" she said "See how part of my heart is black and part is red, it used to be completely black except for a little red spot."

"Really?" Elena said amused.

"Yeah, but when I finally told you the truth, most of the black went away, except this part because this shows that I'm still the Evil Queen. But at least now I can finally calm down with this whole destiny thing."

She then put her heart back into her chest which shook her a little.

"So anyway" she said "Can I join?"

But before Elena can answer, Mira sat down next to her.

"Well, 5 minutes" Elena said.


Inside of Mr. Gold's shop, Mr. Gold cleaned up all the things that had been knocked over from Wendell's book changing. But as he cleaned up, he came upon an urn that looked identical to the urn Crystal Winter was trapped in, but since her urn was gone, he knew what was in the other one; Darkness. So he just ignored it as he cleaned everything up.

When he was gone, it was time to close his shop as he opened the door and stepped out. But when he slammed the door, he slammed a bit too hard as the urn began to shake, and soon it fell to the floor as the lid popped opened as the Darkness oozed out and onto the floor. It swished through the floor and under the crack of the door as it then flew pass Mr. Gold.

Mr. Gold watched in shock as the Darkness flew pass him and into the air. Darkness was now in Storybrooke.

Once Upon a Time: Ever After High (Book 5)Where stories live. Discover now