Ch.16 Sibling rivalry

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Now in the woods, Aidan and Crystal continued to follow the snowflakes that hopefully will lead them to Noelle.

"So how come you never told anyone about Noelle?" Aidan asked.

"Well we've had a painful history" Crystal said "I mean we used to be closed when we were younger, but one day she just changed and we drifted apart."

"Why do you think that is?"

"I don't know, after she got out of her urn, she started out like her sweet self, but then she suddenly changed to this cruel person, and I don't understand why."

"Have you tried talking to her?"

"I was going to, but she put me in that urn and I haven't seen her since."

But as they continued to follow the snowflakes, they suddenly stopped as the snowflakes flew to some snow on a tree stump.

"Looks like we're on the right track" Aidan said as they walked forward.

But then they spotted a person with their back turned to them who was looking at a sculptor of an ice palace.

"Get down" Aidan whispered as they got down behind a log.

"That must be her" Crystal whispered "But why is she looking at a sculptor of our ice palace?"

"Who knows, I'm need to text my brother."

As he started to text Terrence, Crystal continued to watch her sister gaze upon the sculptor.

"Okay Terrence and Elena are on their way" Aidan whispered.

"I feel like we should go" Crystal whispered "Noelle is dangerous now, and if she catches us, who knows what she could do."

"Okay we'll move back a bit."

But as they got up and started to leave, Aidan was suddenly stopped by ice forming around his ankles as they held him down.

"I'm sorry" they turned around and saw Noelle who was holding her hand out towards Aidan "I'm afraid I can't let you leave."

Crystal's eyes widen as she looked at her sister who she hasn't seen in a long time. And even though she didn't look like herself anymore, Crystal recognized her anywhere.

"Hello sis" Noelle said to Crystal with a small smile "It's been a while."

"Let go of him now" Crystal demanded.

"Not when you and I have so much catching up to do. I never expected you to end up in this town, and yet here you are, what a surprise. By the way, how was that urn? Now you know what it was liked when you trapped me in there."

"I said I was sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

"And yet you did it anyway, and you made everyone forget about me, mom and dad had to pretend like I didn't even exist. You may think you've suffered more than me, but I know exactly what real suffer is like, especially when you're called a monster."

Crystal just stood there with a sad look, not knowing what to say.

"So here we are now" Noelle continued "You've just arrived and now everyone wants to burn you at the stake."

"Because of what you did" Crystal said with a mad look "You hurt one of my friends."

"You mean Julie?" she said with a fake smile "Oh that was an accident."

"No it wasn't" Crystal frowned "You wanted to make it look like it was me. Why?"

"I was trying to teach you a lesson, eventually, everyone turns on people like us, friends, families. They're just waiting for a reason."

At that point Noelle waved her hand over as sharp icicles appeared over Aidan.

"No!" Crystal gasped as she held her hands out towards the icicles.

"Don't even bother" Noelle said "We both know I'm more powerful than you now."

Crystal stood there with shock as Aidan struggled to move from the ice that was holding him down.

"When your friend is found" Noelle said "You'll look responsible, then they'll turn on you, and they'll treat you like the monster they truly see you as, and you'll know that I'm right."

But right before she could drop the icicles, Elena and Terrence appeared.

"Hey ice bitch!" Elena yelled as everyone turned to her.

"Well if it isn't the daughter of the Evil Queen" Noelle smirked "Trying to save her friends instead of turning on them, now do you really think your magic is as powerful as mine?"

"Only one way to find out" Elena frowned as she used her magic to push Noelle away as she fell to the ground.

At that point Terrence ran to his brother and started to use a knife to pick on the ice. But when Noelle sat up, she used her power to lower the icicles towards them, but Elena quickly used her powers to move them out of the way as the icicles dropped onto the ground missing them.

"You guys okay?" she asked.

"We're fine" Terrence said as they got up "Where is she?"

Everyone turned and saw that Noelle was gone.

"She's gone" Crystal said with shock.

(Flashback) Now that the party had begun, the king led Crystal into the throne room where everyone bowed at her as she gave a smile. Just then the snow pixies came up to her and handed her a bouquet of winter flowers.

"Oh thank you" she smiled as she took the flowers.

After greeting the guests, Jackson went up to the royal family

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After greeting the guests, Jackson went up to the royal family.

"Jack" the queen smiled "So glad you can make it."

"Yes well I had to support my best friend" he smiled at Crystal who smiled back "And uh, I was wondering if Crystal would like to share a dance with me, if she would like to."

Crystal gave a smile as she felt herself blush.

"I would love to" she smiled.

She then handed her bouquet to her mother as she linked her arm with Jackson's and they went onto the dance floor. As the music started playing, everyone around them started dancing with their partners as Jackson and Crystal started to dance together.

And as they danced, they couldn't stop looking into each others eyes and smiling as they felt their hearts warm up. Crystal then laid her hand on Jackson's chest, he felt surprised by this, but he just smiled as they twirled to the music.

Jackson then looked up and saw Noelle giving up a thumbs up with a smile. He gave a small chuckle as he continued to dance with Crystal. And as they danced, the more he couldn't wait to ask her on a date.

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