Ch.50 Sisterly love

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Noelle continued to sit on the floor in shock after watching Crystal send the spirit of the first Snow Queen back into the Trolden Mirror. Crystal then turned to Noelle and held her hand out to her.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I think" Noelle said as she took her hand and got up "Crystal, you saved me."

"I guess I did" Crystal said with a small smile "So all this time you didn't change, it the spirit of the Snow Queen inside of you."

"All those things she made me do" Noelle said as her eyes then started to water "Crystal I didn't mean any of it, I'm so sorry for everything I did."

"It's okay" Crystal said "It wasn't your fault."

"But I killed Jackson" she said as she let a tear drop "I am a monster, but not because of my powers but, because of what I lived that turned me into."

"You were never a monster" Crystal said as she felt her eyes water "I didn't mean to call you a monster, I really am sorry, it's the biggest mistake I've ever done."

"Hey" Noelle sniffed with a small smile "It's okay, I understand, you panicked. And I am so sorry about Jack, I know how much you loved him, I loved him too, he was my best friend next to you, and I would do anything to make it up to you."

"You don't have to do anything" Crystal sniffed as tears poured out "You being here is all I need, and I really did miss you, I miss having my sister around."

As she continued to shed more tears, Noelle did the same as she grabbed onto Crystal's hand.

"I missed you too" she cried with a smile "You're my best friend, and I never want to loose you."

"And I promise that I will always be there for you" Crystal cried "Because families never give up on each other. You are special Noelle, never forget that."

"I guess I was too snow blind to see it" Noelle sniffed "All my life I lived in fear, and all I ever wanted was to have my family's love, but I had it all along, I just didn't see it."

"We've always loved you" Crystal sniffed "And we always will, because we're family, and I love you for who you are."

At that point they both sobbed with smiles as they went into a big hug that warmed their heart.

"I love you sis" Noelle sobbed.

"I love you too" Crystal sobbed as they held onto each other.

After all this time, the sisters were reunited in a way that made them happy to see each other again, because the sisterly bond is what made them strong. And when they pulled away, they both couldn't stop smiling with tears in their eyes.

"Now that's what I call sisterly love" Aidan smiled.

"Are you okay?" Crystal asked him.

"I'm fine."

"But you got a cut on your head."

"Oh" he said as he dabbed his cut with his fingers and saw the blood "It's okay, I'll get it fixed."

"Hey uh, sorry about trying to kill you and all" Noelle said with guilt.

"It's okay, like what Crystal said, it wasn't your fault."

"But wait" Noelle's eyes widen "The blizzard, I gotta fix that, I don't want everyone to freeze."

And with that she ran out the ice cave. Crystal then turned to Aidan as they smiled as put their arms around each other as they went out the ice cave. In town, everyone was still trying to stay warm when all the snow and ice started to disappear, they all watched with amusement as all the snow went away as it started to get warmer. They then looked down the street and saw Noelle reversing the weather with her powers as Crystal and Aidan stood by her. And by the time Noelle was done, the weather was warm and there wasn't a single drop of snow or ice anywhere. And soon everyone went outside and up to Noelle.

"You reversed the weather" Macy said "Does that mean you're yourself again?"

Noelle gave a smile "Yes, you don't have to be afraid of me anymore."

She then turned to Crystal as they smiled and held hands.

"So everything's okay now?" Julie asked.

"Pretty much" Crystal smiled.

"What about the ice wall?" Terrence asked.

"I got this" Noelle said as she concentrated on her powers as she felt the ice wall on the town line go down "There, it's gone now."

"So now everything's okay" Aidan said.

"Expect for one thing" Elena put in "Mira's still out."

"Oh" they all said.

"We'll deal with her later" Olivia suggested.

Later that evening, Elena and Terrence went to the 'Wonder diner' where they sat at a table with their smoothies.

"This is nice" she smiled "Now that this problem is fixed, we can finally go on a date."

"So is it true that Ever After is still cursed?" he asked.

"Yeah" she sighed "But we're gonna find a way to fully break it. How's Aidan by the way?"

"He's fine, that cut on his head will heal soon. But what are you gonna do about Mira?"

"Well I don't know where she is now, but I'm gonna find her and throw her ass back in jail."

Terrence gave a small chuckle.

"By the way" Elena added "Have you seen Brooke? I haven't seen her all day?"

"I think she's at Mr. Gold's, I think she's trying to make some money."

"Oh poor Brooke, gonna suck working for Mr. Gold."

And with that they both gave small laughs as they took sips of their smoothies.


At the back of Mr. Gold's shop, Mr. Gold placed a box on a table in front of Brooke.

"All I need you to do if take out all the items in this box" he said "Dust them, and place them on the shelf."

"That's it?" she said.

"Do you wanna clean my bathroom instead?"

"Items it is."

"Just keep working" he smirked "And soon you'll be able to buy that book."

After he went away, Brooke opened the box as a puff of dust blew in her face as she coughed. She then started to take the items out as she admired some of them. But when she looked at the bottom of the box, something caught her eye, she moved the items out of the way as she pulled out a book and blew the dust off, she saw that it was a large brown book, and titled across the cover in gold were the words 'Once Upon A Time'.

 But when she looked at the bottom of the box, something caught her eye, she moved the items out of the way as she pulled out a book and blew the dust off, she saw that it was a large brown book, and titled across the cover in gold were the words ...

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And you guys thought it would here (at least I think you did) but this book isn't over yet, it's gonna get more juicier. And if you don't know what this book is, that's okay, you can look it up. Stay tune for more.

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