Stranded - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"Tom!" I shouted, a bit too loud. He came rushing in instantly.

"What's wrong!?" He replied worriedly.

"There's nothing left in the kitchen. Someone's already taken it all," I wasn't annoyed with the people who had taken it, I was more concerned about their safety. Where were they hiding?

"That's good, right? That not everyone's dead?"

"Yes, but they are stranded here too. Maybe we should look for them,"

"That's not a good idea, Bella. It's getting dark and we need to take this food back." I nodded realising he was right, "I think I've got enough," he added.

"What about stuff to drink?" I asked.

"I managed to break into the vending machine - I've got a few bottles,"

We turned the lights off in the kitchen and then shut the door. The sky was nearly navy so we needed to get back quick. Faye and Bradley might be worried.

Tom lead the way to the back entrance. There was no way of telling whether the creatures were outside; we just had to take the chance. Tom carefully reached for the door handle when suddenly it flung open, knocking him against the wall. He yelped in pain. I gasped and quickly helped him up. He said he was fine, and we quickly shuffled back towards the door. I peered round and saw 3 people staring back at me. I sighed in relief, glad they weren't 'zombies'. They charged in and I slammed the door behind them.

Tom switched on the corridor light so we could see who they were. I knew straight away who the two boys were. The one was Lewis Prescott, who was in my year, and I was never really that keen on him. The other boy was a year below, named Josh Campbell.

Also they were with a girl who looked terrified, she was very small, I guessed she was about eleven or twelve. She was shivering and looked very uncomfortable. I really hoped Lewis and his friend didn't upset her. Though I guessed it was good of them to stay with her.

"Are you ok?" I asked the girl, putting my hand on her shoulder. She had blonde hair and freckles and wore a blue headband and pretty ribbons. I gave her one of the coats and wrapped it round her shoulders.

"Is there any food left?" Lewis asked.

"Not much," Tom replied, "some other people got here before us and took everything from the kitchen,"

"Have you got food?" Lewis asked. Tom nodded, and showed him what we had collected.

"Why are you two with each other anyway?" Josh questioned.

"I could say the same about you and her," I looked at the little girl.

"I was in Science when this started and Lewis was in DT. When everyone started piling out the classrooms, Lewis came in and I saw Lauren hiding and quite upset so I stayed with them,"

"Where are you hiding out now?" Tom asked, seriously.

"We're in the third floor science classroom. It's pretty safe up there. There's a glass door so we can see what's outside, and lots of stairs and windows and all the doors are locked,"

Tom and I exchanged glances. "Who else is with you?" I said, folding my arms.

"No one. Everyone else we saw either escaped or died," Lewis replied. To be honest I was surprised he hadn't got himself killed yet.

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