Stranded - Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Bradley had told them to not make much noise as we were sleeping, but I could hear them whispering.

"We were nearly too late. Just behind the choir hall she was surrounded by them." I recognised Tom's voice.

"And then we attacked those creepy monster things just in time. If we were any later, she'd have been dead," Josh added, almost excitedly like he was in a video game.

"Why's she covered in blood? Is she wounded?" Bradley spoke calmly.

"No it's from us when we were stabbing the zombies," Lewis said. I could just imagine the unimpressed looks on Bradley and Tom's faces.

"Is she unconscious?" Bradley asked.

"No, she fell asleep probably from all the stress," Tom yawned, "can we discuss this tomorrow? I need sleep too,"

I was the first to wake up. It was about 6.30 as the sky was a fairly light blue. The sun was creeping through the small window, but the room was still quite dark.

Faye was a few steps away from me, in a crouched position trying to keep herself warm. I lay my coat over her as I didn't need it now. Lauren was still by the radiator, sleeping like a baby. Bradley was sitting up straight, but his eyes were closed, and Tom, Lewis and Josh were all stretched out all over the place.

However it was still unclear who the girl they rescued last night was. She was lying with her back towards me, but I saw she had reddish brown hair.

I tiptoed over to our stash of food and rummaged around trying to find a snack to eat. "Morning," I heard a voice say. It was Bradley who had actually been awake the whole time. I greeted him back.

"Could you chuck me an apple please?" He asked, his voice kind of sleepy.

"Here," I said, throwing it to him. I found some bread for myself.

"Do you know who she is?" Bradley questioned pointing to the girl. I wandered over to see her face.

"Oh my god, yes I do," I said in disbelief. I crouched down next to Bradley, "Her name's Tori Gould," I lowered my voice, as I realised there was an echo. "What was she doing out alone?"

"God knows," Bradley answered.

Gradually everyone began waking up. Tom was the last to get up, which didn't surprise me, as he had a long day yesterday.

Tori was sitting against a cubicle door drinking water. She was so grateful to Tom, Lewis and Josh who saved her life, and everyone else for letting her stay with us.

"Hey Tori, how come you were in trouble last night?" Bradley asked, curiously. She coughed and then replied.

"I had been hiding in the choir hall for a few hours. I thought the coast was clear, but obviously not. They just appeared and starting attacking me." She took a sip of water.

"Did they hurt you?"

She shook her head.

"Then why have you covered one arm but not the other?" Bradley questioned.

"Bradley," Tom hissed.

"I'm cold," Tori replied. It was very unconvincing. I could tell she was hiding something.

"Right," he said. There was a few seconds silence. "Then why haven't you rolled your other sleeve down?"

"Bradley," Tom said again, louder.

"Fine," Bradley replied. I started to talk to Faye, trying not to make everything awkward in here.

Next thing I knew, Bradley was running across the room and then snatching the coat off Tori. She shrieked and then her eyes went watery when she saw the disgust on his face.

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