Stranded - Chapter 18

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(Contains some upsetting content)

Chapter 18

I paced up and down the room and then stopped at the door. I knocked quietly, then a bit louder. "Faye? Faye, are you okay?" There was no reply, "Faye?" I repeated. Still no reply. My stomach turned as I knocked again. Maybe she was asleep? I waited a few seconds, but there was silence. Thinking the worst, I barged in.

She was lying on the floor. Her arms were stretched out and her hair was spread across the ground. I was relieved and sat next to her. I just watched her for a few seconds.

And then it caught my attention that she was clenching the jar of pills. My stomach dropped and I thought the worst. I immediately grabbed the jar from her hands and let them scatter across the floor. I rushed to her side and checked her neck for a pulse. She had one but it was faint. "Faye!" I shouted, trying to wake her up. I grabbed her shoulders and urgently started shaking them. She didn't move. "Please wake up Faye, please," I whispered, trying to stop the tears from coming. "Help!" I screamed, hoping anyone upstairs could here. "Someone! Help!" I didn't know what to do; I didn't know what was going on.

"Bella?" Tom called from the waiting area.

"I'm in here!" I cried. Confused, I heard him run to where I was. He flung the door open and his jaw dropped. He skidded to the floor, probably burning his knees and knelt beside me.

"Faye, can you hear me?" he called, checking her pulse. He looked at me anxiously. Suddenly Bradley and Lewis rushed in.

"What's going- Faye?!" Bradley shouted.

"Bella, what's happened?" Tom asked calmly.

"I just- she was quiet a-and I came in and saw her... Holding t-these," my voice was wobbly. I pushed the tablet jar towards Tom. Bradley turned around horrified.

"She didn't..." Bradley began.

"M-maybe she wanted the pain to go away," I stuttered.

"No!" Bradley shouted, "Faye wake up!"

"How many pills did she take?" Lewis asked, sitting beside me.

"I-I don't know," I was in shock. The tears stopped falling from my eyes. Lewis inspected the jar.

"She's just fainted," Tom said quietly. I breathed a sigh if relief, "there's nothing we can do but wait for her to wake up," Lewis and I stared at the jar. I was so confused, upset. So many emotions were inside me right now. I was thankful she wasn't dead. Bradley was silent, just watching Faye. "We should take her to the infirmary," Tom said. Bradley and Tom took Faye upstairs. I stayed seated on the floor. Lewis was with me.

"What exactly... Happened?" He said. I looked at him and sighed.

I told him how she was vomiting last night, how she had caught a virus of some sort. I told him how she was worn out and stressed. And I told him that she asked to be alone.

Lewis nodded, like he understood. "Her body was just under a lot of stress from throwing up," he said, "maybe she didn't take any of the tablets, perhaps she was thinking about it and then passed out," It was so weird hearing Lewis talk sense and actually be kind for once.

"Maybe," I whispered, "I'm just so glad she's alright,"

"Same," there was a long pause.

"I'm gonna see if she's okay,"

"I'll come too,"

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and I went upstairs, Lewis following me. I was still a bit shaken from the whole ordeal, but the main thing was Faye was going to be fine. Guilt creeped into my mind though, I should've refused to leave her.

Louis opened the door for me. I half smiled. Part of me was grateful to him being so nice, but it was so weird and I was a bit creeped out.

Faye was tucked up in a bed, the white sheets pulled up to her collarbones. The boys had raised her up slightly and she looked peaceful.

Bradley was sitting on the bed next to Faye and Tom was with Josh and Lauren was on the floor, eating something.

It was so quiet, almost spooky. It was getting dark now. I just wished Faye would wake up.

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