Stranded - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The staircase was very steep, with at least 25 stairs. When you had reached the top you could see pretty much all of campus. It would be a good watch tower.

There was a code lock on the door but time was too precious to waste. I knocked twice, just loud enough for Faye and Bradley to hear. I could hear their footsteps as they gaped the door open. Lauren and I hurried in eager to get warm.

"Where the hell have you been?" Faye demanded. She seemed annoyed, but she still hugged me, thankful I was alive, "we've been so worried,"

"Bella, where's Tom? And who's this?" Bradley asked gesturing to Lauren who was frozen on the spot. I really felt sorry for her. Not only had she seen a lot of her friends die horrible deaths, but she was stuck at school with a bunch of older students who she didn't know.

I looked at Lauren, who looked very out of place, and stood behind her with my hands on her shoulders. "This is Lauren. When Tom and I were getting food, we found Lauren with Lewis Prescott and Joshua Campbell," I looked at Faye who looked less than impressed that we'd allied with Lewis.

"Seriously? Why Lewis?" She asked.

"More importantly where are they all now?" Bradley asked.

"On our way back, we heard someone screaming. So they told me to bring Lauren back here whilst they go and check out what was happening,"

"I'm going to find them," Bradley decided. He grabbed a mop from the cupboard.

"I wouldn't," Faye said, "it's pitch black outside,"

"Hmm..." he said, looking out the window, "I guess you're right," he chickened out.

Half an hour had passed and the four of us were sitting on the cold stone floor. We were eating some of the food, but made sure we saved some for everyone. There wasn't much to talk about, we were all pretty shocked and worn out from today's events. But we managed to get some words out of Lauren, mainly about her interests.

We had finished eating, and Bradley checked his watch. It was going on 11pm. Lauren yawned and then said she was going to sleep. She wrapped herself up in a coat and dozed off near the radiator.

"Something bad must of happened," I said, biting my nails.

"Maybe you two should get some sleep," Bradley offered, "I'll stay awake and let them in,"

"Are you sure?" Faye replied. He nodded and went to stand by the door.

It was so uncomfortable on the floor with just a coat to keep us warm, but Faye and Lauren had managed to drift off to sleep. I was too worried to, so many thoughts were circulating in my head. I guessed it was about midnight now, because Bradley had turned all the lights off.

I was literally about to fall asleep when Lewis and Josh rushed in, Tom following them. But I could just about see that Tom was carrying someone in his arms.

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