Stranded - Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

My shoulder had started healing, luckily. The four deep scratches were now scabbed over, but I knew they'd leave scars. Four permanent reminders of being attacked by a zombie.

I had taken my bandage off realising it would heal better if it wasn't covered up. Lauren had helped me to do so, telling me she wants to be a nurse when she grows up. I just hoped that job would still be available in the future.

Bradley and Tom were searching the whole building to find useful supplies. The sky was a sea-blue and Josh and Lewis were still out getting food. They had been out for hours.

It was so boring in the infirmary. I had Lauren to talk to but there wasn't much to talk about. Faye had been unconscious for about 24 hours now.

I suddenly heard rattling on the courtyard gate outside. Please don't be zombies, I thought. Lauren had just finished taking my bandage off, so she skipped over to the window. "It's just Lewis and Joshua. I don't think they know the code for the lock," she said. That didn't surprise me. But by the loud rattle they were making they were obviously in a hurry.

Tom and Bradley burst through the door, dropping a heap of supplies they'd found. "Bella do you remember the code? Lewis and Josh are outside," I nodded my head and swapped duties with Bradley. He and Lauren began sorting through their findings.

Tom and I bowled down the stairs and burst out the nurse's office. "9873, 9873," I repeated to myself.

We ran to the gate and I quickly started pressing the code. Tom shook the gate but it didn't open. I tried again, but it didn't open. A few metres away, I saw zombies had spotted us and were coming our way. "Ummm..." I tried to think. I told them to type the code in from their side and they did. The door clicked, but it took so much force to open. Tom and I pulled from our side and Lewis and Josh pushed. The gap was big enough for them to slide through. "Thank god!" They sighed as we slammed the gate shut. Josh thanked us but Louis just stared at me.

The zombies appeared at the gate, making the creepy gargling sore-throat sound. I couldn't look at them for too long, because they really freaked me out and would give me nightmares.

I shuddered as we all stood facing each other. "So what did you find?" I asked, aimed at Lewis but Josh answered.

"Let's see..." He pulled out some food from the rucksack we had found a few days ago. "Well we didn't find a lot in the kitchen, so we had to smash the vending machines," he tried to laugh. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling, "so crisps, chocolate bars, lucozade, cookies..."

"Healthy," I said, sarcastically.

At that moment, Lauren burst out the door, crying loudly. "Lauren?" I asked, running over to her, "what's happened?"

"Faye! Something's happening to her!"

"What?" Tom asked concerned. Lauren was shaking, and didn't know what to say or do.

"B-Bradley sent me down, he needs you all! N-now!" She cried, grabbing my arm.

"Lauren, calm down, your attracting zombies," Lewis said. I scowled at him and ran with Faye back inside. Tom chased after me, followed by L328/ and Josh.

As I was running up the stairs, I felt like my life was in slow motion. I didn't know what was happening, or what to expect, I was just bracing myself for the worst.

Lauren pushed the door open, we were all out of breath.

"Bradley, what's going on," Tom tried to stay calm.

"She- she woke up! A-and then, then..."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It couldn't be true. She had fainted, that's all. It wasn't anything serious was it? How many tablets had she taken?

I frantically ran over to Faye, and checked her neck and wrist for pulses. "Faye!" I screamed, "FAYE!" I screamed louder. Tears were falling out of my eyes.

Faye was dead.

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