Stranded - Author's Note

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Hey guys, I think it's time for me to update you all.
I put Stranded on Wattpad near the end of last year and now it has 5,490 reads which is so overwhelming for me. I just want to say thank you to every one of you that has read and voted for this story.
Anyway now Stranded is becoming more popular, I've decided that it's time for me to edit certain parts which I'm unhappy with.
I have changed some character's names. These ones are staying the same:
Arabella "Bella"
Thomas "Tom"
Joshua "Josh"
These are the ones I'm changing:
Lana > Faye
Maya > Lauren
Natasha > Tori
Louis > Lewis (I changed this to avoid confusion on the pronunciation)
Next, I've tweaked certain parts. Bella & Tom ARE NOT dating, neither are Faye & Bradley. When reading through Stranded, I felt like it was too soon for me to include relationships. Also the incident between Lewis and Bella NEVER happened.
As you can see, I have made a few big changes. I just thought I would clarify everything to save you all from reading the story again (unless you want to - then by all means go ahead ;) )
Once again, thank you so much for reading Stranded. All these reads has made me become a much more confident writer :)

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