Stranded - Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I hobbled up a few steps, but it was too painful. My leg was throbbing and the pain stretched from my toes to my knees. "Tom, can you carry her up the stairs?" Faye asked, still supporting me. I looked at him.

"Yeah sure," he said, without hesitating.

"Lewis you'd better go and find some bandages and crutches," Faye said. I could tell she was looking at him with her eyes wide open, suggesting it would make it less awkward for us all. He nodded, solemnly and walked into the office. "Lauren, can you go and sort a bed out for Bella with support for her leg?" Lauren nodded and hurried up the stairs, wanting to do something to help.

Bradley helped Tom lift me carefully, trying not to hurt my back or leg. Faye was in front telling him when to step up and Josh was behind.

We arrived in the infirmary, and Lauren had already sorted the bed out. I managed to lie down on the bed, Faye, Tom, Bradley and Josh guarding just in case I was to fall. "Ow," I said, my back stinging. I sat up straight as that eased the pain, and my leg was slightly lifted by a pillow. "I'll go and help Lewis," Josh said, leaving the room.

Tom and Faye sat beside me, asking what happened. I told them I stayed in the office overnight and zombies were trying to get in so I had to jump. "We should've come with you," Tom said,

"Yes, we all should've gone!" Lana added, "I'm so sorry Bella,"

"Guys it's not your fault. I wanted to go on my own,"

Josh and Lewis appeared at the door. Lewis had the crutches, which he placed next to my bed when he saw me there. I looked away when he made eye contact. Josh was carrying some bandages and plasters which he put beside me. "I can bandage your leg up," Lauren said eagerly. I laughed and said of course.

Faye helped as Lauren tightly wrapped at least three layers of bandage around my leg. "It needs to be tight and thick because its not proper plaster," Lauren said, almost to herself. My leg felt more supported. "I can wrap your hand up too?"

"It's just a cut, but whatever you thinks best," Lauren nodded and did so anyway.

"What can you do about my back?" I asked, "I think it's grazed and cut, but it's really stinging," Lauren thought for a second.

"Hmm, we can spray this on it? It should kill bacteria and then I can put some plasters on," she smiled. I nodded. Faye pulled the white curtain around my bed.

"God, Bella, your back's covered in blood and scratches! No wonder you were in pain!" Faye shrieked. I frowned.

"Okay Bella I need to disinfect it. It's going to sting," Lauren said. I nodded, biting my lip. Suddenly my back was burning with pain.

"Ouch," I said. It wasn't that painful, I'd just jumped out a window which was a million times worse. Lauren then dabbed it with a cloth and covered my back in bandages and plasters. After a few minutes the pain in my back was going away and it actually felt better.

After we had something to eat, I decided I needed to test out the crutches. Lauren and Faye helped me get off the bed and handed me a crutch each. I balanced on my right leg and wobbled along. I put the crutches in front of me and hopped along. I was getting the hang of it when I slipped, landing on my knees. Tom and Faye hurriedly helped me get up, "take it easy, baby steps," Faye said gently, supporting my arm. I hopped along again, gaining my balance. I managed to walk across the room and back without help.

"You need to support you're leg for about six weeks," Lauren said. I nodded as I sat back down on the bed. Tom and Faye took the crutches off me and placed them next to my bed.

I was lying silently in my bed in peace, as everyone else was eating. I wasn't hungry, just tired. They all thought I was asleep, but I wasn't. I could hear everything they were saying.

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