Stranded - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Tom and Bradley had claimed they had witnessed their best friend die and come back to life as a zombie. I believed them, but I don't think Josh and Lewis did.

"How can someone die and come back as a different creature?" Josh began.

"I can't explain that. But there are dead people, corpses, walking around right now trying to kill us. So surely it's true," Bradley replied calmly.

I suddenly realised why they were bringing this up. Tori was dead. Which meant she was going to become a zombie. As the boys were chatting, Faye, Lauren and I were just sitting by the window watching a once pretty school turn into a battlefield.

"Now it's just a waiting game. We don't know when exactly Tori's going to turn," Tom explained.

"You do realise, when she turns, you're gonna have to kill her, right?" Lewis said. Tom and Bradley looked at each other, as if they'd forgotten about that.

"...I'll do it if you want," Lewis carried on. He seemed serious.

"No, no it's ok I-" Bradley began. I was getting a bit fed up. I had heard enough of them talking about killing someone.

"Stop. Please. She's just died and now you're talking about who's going to kill her. I'm going downstairs," I said. I wasn't looking for attention, I was just genuinely sick of it all.

"Wait, Bella. Want some company?" Faye asked grabbing my arm.

"No it's fine," I smiled.

I quietly walked down the stairs. I knew I was fairly safe, but there was still a sense of fear. I checked the door and saw no creatures in the dark courtyard, so I went and sat on the chairs in the infirmary office. It was quite peaceful in a way, I could just let go and forget about all my worries. I saw a clock, which said 7.15, and drifted off to sleep.


"Bella," I heard a voice say. I could feel them tapping my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly and then sat up. "Hello," he said. Tom was sitting on the chair next to me.

"What time is it?" I asked, sleepily.

"It's nearly midnight," he said quietly.

"I've been asleep for a while then," I yawned.

"Yeah, I just came to tell you not to go upstairs..."

"Why?" I got up, ignoring his suggestion.

"I wouldn't go up there if I were you," I stood, waiting for him to carry on, "They're still up because they're waiting for Tori to... Turn," I looked at the floor, expecting him to say that. I remembered why I came down here in the first place.

"I'm... I'm okay about it now. I understand what they have to do," I looked at Tom.

"If you're sure..." I nodded. Tom stood up and he lead me upstairs to the infirmary.

I opened the door and Bradley, Lewis and Josh looked at me tiredly. They were sitting near Tori's lifeless body, waiting. Lauren was tucked up in a bed, further away sleeping. And Faye was still by the window.

I walked in and sat on the bed opposite Lauren's and near Faye. Tom stood near Bradley with his arms folded. Everyone was silent, tired and miserable.

People began to fall asleep when Tori took a huge breath and let out a growl. She was changing.

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