Stranded - Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I knew what Tom was thinking. The Science classroom sounded so much safer than where we were. There were water taps there and the chemicals could be used as weapons. Also you could see out of the large windows, but nothing could look in.

The only problem was, the sky was pitch black now, and we still didn't have flashlights and we were unsure where the zombies were lurking. The Science classroom was much further from where our base was.

"Why don't you join us for tonight? We're in the changing room and toilet block," I offered. Lauren's eyes almost lit up, glad she would have a girl with her.

Lewis answered, "what do you think, Josh?"

"I guess that's a good idea," Josh replied.

"It would probably be safer for you guys to come with us tonight, then we go to your base tomorrow, when its lighter and safer." We all nodded in agreement to Tom's suggestion.

"We've got enough food for you three," I added, as I noticed Lauren clutching her stomach from her being hungry.

"We better go," Tom said, leading the way.

It was much more intense walking in a group of five in the dark. There was more chance of something hearing our footsteps. I was carrying the food and coats, as Tom was holding both the mops for protection.

We had nearly made it to the staircase when I could hear someone screaming in the distance. "Stop," I whispered. Everyone looked at me. "Can you hear that?"

The scream was faint, but still piercing and made my stomach turn. It sounded like the person being attacked was in so much pain.

The boys nodded and Lauren was shaking. "Sounds like its coming from over there," Josh said pointing to the tall building where people used to sing in.

"Bella, you take Lauren inside. We'll go and see what's happening," Tom ordered.

"No, that's not a good idea, it's not safe. What if its more than one creature over there? You will have no chance,"

"Don't worry we'll be fine. We've got our weapons," Tom tried to laugh but it came out more like a sigh. I frowned but said OK. Lewis and Josh followed Tom and I quickly hurried Lauren up the stairs.

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