Stranded - Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"What?" I yelled.

"He's not downstairs?" Bradley asked.

"No, he's not in the courtyard either!" Josh replied.

"Oh my god," Faye breathed,

"What about the English block? It's literally next door to here," Bradley suggested, thinking of what to do. Tom stayed silent, unimpressed.

I stuttered, "I'm, I'm going to find him," I tried to stay calm as I headed for the door.

"Bella," Tom said. He then lowered his voice, "remember what he tried to do? He's probably in a really fragile state," I knew Tom was just trying to warn me, but I felt responsible for Lewis going missing. Someone should have stayed with him, and that someone should have been me.

"Tom, I have to," I sighed, "it's my fault he's gone. I need to help him. Nothing's going to happen to me, I'll be safe, the English block's still in the courtyard,"

"Why don't we all go then?" Bradley suggested.

I stopped him, "No, you all stay here. I'll be fine, I just need to talk things through," I said firmly. I looked at Tom and nodded at Faye, who's face was white. She forced a worried smile.

I opened the door to the infirmary office quietly, making sure I grabbed a weapon just in case. I looked around, everything was clear. But I could hear the courtyard gate rattling, and knew zombies were trying to get in. I ran to the English block door, my footsteps echoing around. I pushed the code buttons and swung the door open. In front of me was a staircase and a back door. To the left and right were some classrooms, deserted. I peered in the windows of the downstairs classrooms and they felt so empty it was creeping me out. The only sound I could hear was my breathing.

I wandered around, trying not to make much noise. Lewis wasn't down here. I gulped and headed up the stairs. They were carpeted, so I wasn't making any noise. I reached the top of the spiral staircase and saw a huge window, opposite the infirmary office. There were different doorways, heading to all sorts of classrooms. My best bet was turning right, where there was a small hidden office next to a large classroom. But I looked around to make sure.

I was surrounded by lockers, all open. There wasn't anything in them, as people had grabbed all their belongings before fleeing. I felt miserable, hoping they'd all survived.

Where was Lewis? He must be here somewhere, but the block was huge. I got fed up of walking, and jogged all around, glancing in each classroom. I couldn't find him.

I had searched everywhere on this level, so I decided to hurry upstairs. I could easily get lost here, I was so worried. "Where are you Lewis," I whispered to myself.

The sky had begun to get dark, just slightly. I turned on all the lights I was around, afraid of being alone here in the darkness. There was a circular window, facing the one in the nurse's office. I sat on the ledge just below it and watched. I could see Faye sitting alone on a bed. I couldn't see Tom, Lauren, Bradley or Josh. Just him. He looked so sad, and I now felt guilty for leaving her to find Lewis. Maybe this was a bad idea, I was alone in a dark, deserted building. I wished I could teleport back.

I watched Faye as she began to fall asleep. Suddenly the lights in the infirmary switched off, meaning they were all going to sleep. The lights here were still on, but I was anxious they'd attract attention.

I hurried downstairs, where the small office was. I did the code and locked myself in there. There was nothing interesting, but scattered paper, a computer and a leather chair. I got comfy on the chair and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up slowly, my neck aching. That chair was so uncomfortable. I stretched and flicked the light switch on. And screamed. Two zombies were peering through the windows next to the door, scratching the glass. How the hell did they get here? I screamed again, my lungs on fire and my heart pounding. I took a step back, frightened. I nearly tripped on the chair, as I realised there was no way of getting out. But the zombies could get in, and I had a feeling they'd be in here very soon...

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