Stranded - Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

We waited until the morning after before leaving our camp. We had seen more creatures enter the school and decided it would be best to wait.

"Looks like nothing's out there, but we can't be sure." Faye announced, peeking out the window. "I hope there being so many of us doesn't attract attention," she added, folding her arms nervously.

"Maybe we could go in smaller groups and just walk a bit further apart," Bradley replied. Everyone agreed that was a better idea.

We started getting our belongings together as we prepared to move to a different base. All we really needed was food, coats and weapons. We found some more brooms and mops and snapped them in half making them sharper. Everyone was given one for protection though Lauren was adamant she didn't want one.

"Who's going with who?" Lewis shouted, appearing next to me. I moved slightly to the other direction.

"Tori needs to go first, so I'll go with her." Bradley said.

"I'll go too," Tom added, picking up his weapon.

"Maybe Josh and Lewis should go at the back to watch out for the 'zombies'. And then Bella can stay with Lauren," Lauren looked up at me and smiled. "Faye you join them,"

I looked at Faye and she looked ready for a fight.

I held the door open for Bradley, who was helping Tori. As the cold breeze entered the room I shuddered. You could feel the eerie presence outside and it felt dangerous. There were still remains along the paths which made me feel sick.

Tori's arm had worsened over night. We found some cloth in the cleaner's cupboard to temporarily wrap around the bite. Her arm was swollen, almost double the size of her other and gradually her whole arm was turning into a purple-grey bruise. It was obvious she was in a lot of pain and needed medical attention immediately.

Tom, Bradley and Tori quietly made their way down the stairs but I was still paranoid it was unsafe. I gulped as they starting walking across the pathway. I prayed nothing would happen to them as they turned the corner behind the choir room and were out of sight.

Faye looked at me as I realised we needed to make our way across too. I threw a coat over my shoulder and held my stake firmly. I took a deep breath as she lead the way.

Lauren walked closely behind me. I had forced her to hold her stake because I wanted her to be safe. As we walked down the path I came face to face with lifeless bodies on the ground. I shook my head and focused my attention on the empty classrooms we were passing. It was strange how only a couple of days ago I was sitting in one of them, wishing for the school day to be over. I had taken so much for granted.

We were behind the choir block when Faye turned around and stopped. "Bella..." she said. I stopped too.

"What's wrong?" I asked. We both spoke in whispers.

"Where's Lauren?"

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