Stranded - Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

We insisted Faye should rest for a bit as her body had been through a lot. It was getting dark and everyone was tired or asleep, stretched out on the beds and sitting near the radiator, which was on. Bradley was the only one awake, but his attention was focused on Faye. We were taking turns to make sure she was still breathing.

I hadn't eaten much all day, so I decided to see what we had left in our stash. I was rummaging around and found some chocolate and crisps so I took them. I realised I'd make noise eating them in the infirmary, where everyone was asleep so I went downstairs.

It was cool downstairs, not too hot or cold. I turned on the light and just sat in peace eating and reading the signs put around the room. I was just getting comfortable when someone came downstairs.

Lewis appeared in the doorway and looked at me, food in his hands too. He didn't say a word, it was just awkward silence as he sat opposite me. I looked down and felt almost embarrassed. I didn't see Lewis the same as I did a few weeks ago, an annoying immature boy, I saw him as a friend. I coughed, "I need to thank you for earlier. You were so brave doing CPR on Faye and I can't ever find a way to repay you-"

"Well everyone was so upset and I felt sorry for you all... So I did what I needed to do,"

"Ohh..." I croaked.

There was a silence. I nodded slowly. I got up and put my food wrappers in the bin and was about to walk out the door when Lewis spoke.

"Bella, I need to tell you something," I looked at him, confused.

"Go on,"

"I'm thinking of-"

"Thinking of what?" I said slowly, an anxious feeling entering my stomach.

He sighed, "just- what's the point?"

"The point in what?"

He stood up, joining me, " in a world like this?

"Lewis stop it..."

"I'm never gonna see my family again, they're probably all dead-"

"Louis, stop it-" I pleaded, realising what he was telling me.

"I live every day in fear of being torn alive by one of those... corpses. I just wanna be at home with my family, like how it was before," He started raising his voice. I was terrified he was having a meltdown.

"We all wish that Louis. But you don't need to live in fear because we all look out for each other. We're a group, a team! We're-" I calmed down when I realised what he took out his pocket.

"Lewis-" I said. "Lewis!" I screamed. He was in a trance, staring at the knife he was holding. "Lewis, don't do it. Don't give into yourself. You saw how upset we were when we thought Faye was dead," I pleaded, lunging for the knife.

He backed away, and then looked up. Straight into my eyes, coming out of his trance. The eagerness his face once had changed into shock, like he didn't realise what he was doing.

"I'm sorry I just-" he sat back down. I snatched the knife off him and ran upstairs.

I was desperately trying not to get upset. I needed to tell Tom that he was basically having a meltdown, but I knew in the back of my mind he didn't mean anything by it. It was just his mind messing with him, this whole situation had a horrible effect on his mind.

I quietly opened the door, but Tom was standing there, like he was ready to come downstairs. "Bella what's happened I heard you-" he asked worriedly, stepping forwards.

I shook my head, "Lewis,"

"Lewis what?" Tom asked, seriously.

"He was upset and... And..." I couldn't get the words out, "tried to-"

"Did he hurt you?" He asked.

"Not me. Himself,"

Tom stared at me and nodded, biting his lip. "Oh god,"

"Luckily, I talked him out of it. I just hope..." I gulped, "he's okay," I handed Tom the knife and trudged off to bed, leaving him speechless.

Whilst I was sleeping, I could've sworn I heard a door slam, but maybe it was in my dream.

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