Stranded - Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Faye screamed and started hyperventilating. I stood up, shocked at what I was seeing. Tom took a step back nearer to me. Tori was now breathing heavy like something was in her throat and her eyes went from brown to an ice blue. She sat up, sensing there was food about. Her skin was now grey and covered in wounds, like she was rotting. "Oh my god, what do we do!" Bradley shouted, moving further away. He looked terrified and so did Josh. Tori was about to stand up, when Lewis grabbed a stake from his pocket. In the spur of the moment he crashed it into her head, blood spraying against the walls. Tori fell onto the floor dead. I gasped and Faye shrieked. I burst out crying, horrified at what I had just saw. I buried my head in my hands, wanting all this to go away.

I saw Faye rush over to Tori. She took one look and burst into tears as well, mourning her death. They weren't close, but Faye hadn't given her a proper goodbye and probably felt guilty.

After a few moments, I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh my god," I sniffed, my voice was wobbly, "I just didn't expect it to happen like that,"

"I guess they just panicked," Tom replied.

Lauren was awake, startled. "What's happened?" She asked confused. I swiftly walked over to her bed and crouched down next to her. I wiped my eyes again.

"Tori... Tori's in peace now. She's in Heaven," I answered. Lauren looked at me blankly. She was half asleep and probably didn't really understand what I was saying.

"Ohh.." She replied, before lying back down to go to sleep again.

I sat down at the end of my bed just trying to think about things to put me off crying. I was lost in my thoughts of how different life was a few days ago, when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and saw Lewis. I ignored him as he sat down next to me. "Sorry," he said almost in a whisper.

I sighed. "It's okay, you did what you had to do,"

"To be honest I was terrified," I couldn't believe I was hearing Lewis Prescott confess he was scared. I tried to laugh, but it came out more painful sounding than I expected.

"I understand," I said trying to end the conversation.

"Goodnight," he answered, before walking away.

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