Stranded - Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

It was the morning and we were all sat around Faye's bed as she woke up. The first thing she wanted to talk about was what caused her to die.

Bradley took a deep breath and began telling Faye what had happened to her.

"You caught a virus, presumably from stress or maybe you caught something from the creatures outside. We gave you a tablet, you wanted to be left alone and-" Bradley finished.

I took a deep breath, "Faye, how many tablets did you take?" She thought for a few seconds, "we won't be mad at you, we just want to know how all this happened,"

"Honestly," she began, quietly, "I only took one more after the one you gave me," we all looked puzzled at each other, "I felt so weak it took so much effort to take a tablet. This - virus - it was making me feel frail and it just hurt to do the slightest thing." We nodded but we were still confused, "after I took the second tablet I felt dizzy and must've blacked out,"

"I don't understand how you became ill in the first place though," I said.

"Stress maybe? Lots of dead bodies around could've made you feel ill," Tom suggested.

"But that doesn't explain how she became unconscious, or what killed her," Bradley replied.

There was a pause. "Are you sure you only took one more tablet, Faye?" I asked. She nodded.

Suddenly Lauren chirped up, "In Science we were learning about bacteria. This is just a theory, but maybe bacteria from the zombies made contact with Faye and made her ill and die," We were baffled by her idea, “but then… that doesn’t explain how she came back alive… unless she’s immune to it…”

"Wow Lauren!" Tom said, shocked.

"You're probably right," I added.

"We need to be careful then. Not only do these zombies want to eat us, they spread disease too," Bradley said seriously.

After coming to the conclusion that Faye had caught an infectious disease which caused her to become ill, we started to relax. A huge weight was lifted off our shoulders. Faye was okay.

Lauren and I sat by Faye's bed, chatting to her about what had been going on over the last few days. She seemed just like her normal self, but we weren't 100% sure.

Bradley and Tom were at the other side of the room, whispering, probably about Faye. They kept looking at her.

It was about midday, when Josh came back from disappearing. He said he went to see if Lewis was okay, but when he arrived, Lewis wasn't with him.

"Guys..." Josh began. We a turned round and saw him standing in the doorway, looking scared.

"Josh where have you been?!" Bradley replied.

"That's not important right now-"

"Did you get food or water?"


"That's where I thought you were, I'm starvi-"

"For god's sake!" Josh shouted, "Lewis is gone!"

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