Stranded - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I could feel the nails dig deeper and deeper. I had to free myself. Faye grabbed her stake and frantically stabbed it in the foreheads of all the zombies crowding round me. I tried to get away but I could feel the fingers scratching across my shoulder. I screamed. I could feel myself about to give up getting away when suddenly I was free. I fell to the ground on my knees and cupped my neck. It was stinging like hell and I couldn't bear to look at it. Lauren ran up to me and hugged me asking if I was ok. She found some tissues in her pocket and started blotting the blood. I looked behind me and saw Faye stabbing all the zombies himself. There were twice as many as before now, all trying to get past the gate, as if they were in a prison. Faye tried to kill as many as she could but she was weak and they were strong so we needed to find the others.

Faye hurried on as Lauren walked by me asking if I was ok. I told her not to worry, it was only a few scratches, but it really hurt. I regretfully looked down at my shoulder and saw four huge marks covered in red drawn down from my neck. I tried not to think about it as Faye helped me into the infirmary.

We had made it. We were sort of safe now. I realised they kept food and water here, and even had a few beds. We could have a proper nights sleep. Faye lead me to a chair and made sure I sat down ok. She sat next to me and looked at my wound as Lauren fetched some bandages. "Since when did you become so brave, Faye?" I said. She looked at me.

She half heartedly giggled.

"But thank you,"

Faye and Lauren both helped to wrap my shoulder in a bandage. It was so sore, but I was still grateful to them.

"Where's everyone else?" I


"They're probably upstairs, where the beds are." Faye suggested. That made sense, so we made our way up the carpet stairs.

There was a door with a window, leading to a large room like an infirmary. I peeked through and saw Tom, Bradley and Josh crowding round the bed Tori was in. I could just see Lewis was looking out the window, but Tori didn't look so good.

When Faye opened the door and everyone looked relieved to see us. Tom came over and asked about my shoulder.

"Anyway what's happened? Is she okay?" Faye said to Bradley. He looked at Tori, then Faye. Faye looked down at the floor.

"Her wound had spread and become more infectious. She was in so much pain that her body just... gave up," Bradley almost whispered.

"Is she... Dead?" Faye asked. Bradley hesitated then nodded. I looked at Tom and then Lewis and Josh, who all looked a bit upset. Tom went over to Tori and tried to find her pulse, but was unsuccessful.

I felt as if I needed to pay my respects as I did sort of know Tori. I felt so guilty, I just wished I could've helped her. But I knew there was nothing I could've done.

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