Chapter 2- Birthday Surprises

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3 years later Kyle 17 Annie 16

“Happy Birthday baby,” my mom said as I walked into the kitchen.

“Thanks Momma.” I said grinning widely as she hugged me.

“sixteen, already.” she said beginning to cry.

I rolled my eyes sitting in a chair where my birthday breakfast was waiting to be eaten. Kyle walked in with his arm around a slut, who they convinced everyone they were mates. I knew better, I knew he was lying, because I also knew he was mine.

My wolf growled, to cover up the growl I stuffed my face with all the food on my plate.

“Thanks mom.” I told her still chewing, grabbing my bag off the counter. I rushed leaving because I couldn't stand being in the same room as him.

“Annie,” My brother, Ben, called from the table.

I turned around, “huh?” I asked swallowing.

“In a hurry?” He chuckled and Kyle laughed loudly making me look at him.

I narrowed my eyes at him and looked back at Ben, “Why?”

“Aren't you riding with us?” Kyle asked.

I turned to him, “No.” I snapped.

“Who are you going with?” Ben asked quickly.

I rolled my eyes, “Jesse,” I smiled when I said his name. He took the place of being my guy best friend shortly after Kyle stopped. Kyle growled and I glared at him. A honk came from the front of the house, “gotta go.” I told them waving a little.

“Annie, Happy birthday.” Ben screamed.

“Thanks.” I screamed back, “Bailey lets go, Jesse is here.” I yelled up the stairs.

She was suddenly at the top of the stairs giggling, I rolled my eyes at Conner, her mate, who followed behind her. “Is he coming too?” I asked raising my eyebrow at them.

“Nope, its your birthday. Today's all about you. Bye Con.” She said kissing him on the cheek. Her face scrunched up in pain.

Conner glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him like I was five. He broke into a smile and I laughed. “Con can come too, Jesse's going to be there.” I told her, her face lit up and pulled him out the door before I could change my mind. I followed them out. They sat in the back while I sat in the front.

“Happy Birthday Annie.” Jesse screamed at me when we were all in.

“Jesus,” I mumbled covering my ears. “ Never again.”

He laughed and leaned in closer to me. “Happy birthday, Annie.” He whispered his lips close to mine, I could feel his hot breath tickling my skin.

“Jesse,” I whispered, staring at his lips but ending up crossing my eyes. He chuckled leaning in closer a bit more.

There was a loud bang on the door and I was flung from the car. I landed with a thud on the ground. I slowly sat up and standing there was an angry looking Kyle.

“Annie? Are you okay?” Jesse yelled. Kyle growled at him before looking at me worried.

“What the hell Kyle?” I screamed getting up.

“I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking.” He said looking away.

“You hurt me.” I told him crossing my arms. His eyes flashed to mine for split second he looked worried, hurt, and angry. Then he smiled and shrugged walking away.

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