Chapter 16 - He's My Best Friend

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Annie’s POV

I was so tired I almost fell asleep at the table. Kyle, who could see and feel it, excused both of us and I hugged my parents quickly good night before following Kyle out of the room.

I turned the corner to get into the entryway when I was swept off my feet. Tingles made me realize I was in no real danger but my body was suddenly wide awake with shock. I giggled as he ran up the stairs reminding me that I was tired, I yawned.

“Put me down.” I giggled as he got to the top of the stairs.

“You’re going to ruin my fun.” he complained but set me down and gently grabbed my hand.

“Annie!” Jesse’s voice rang through the house.

“Jesse!” I squealed letting go of Kyle’s hand and tuning around I looked down the stairs where Jesse was already climbing two at a time. Jesse quickly wrapped an arm around my waist, lifting me off the ground spinning us until his back hit the wall with a thud.  I laughed while Kyle growled lowly behind me.

“Annie, you look awful.” Jesse joked, at least I hoped, causing Kyle to growl louder.

“You don’t look to hot yourself mister.” I teased, but I kinda meant it as well, he had cuts and bruises all over his face.

“Hey now.” He laughed growling playfully as he flipped us over pushing me up against the wall, “Apologize.”

“Never.” I narrowed my eyes.

“Alright but you asked for it...” he smirked and before I knew it I was thrown over his shoulder and halfway down the stairs.

“Jess!” I laughed, “You better not be doing what I think you’re..”

“Oh but I am.” He laughed cutting me off.

“No! No please anything but that please!” I screamed when the trees enclosed us. “Jesse you better put me down right now!”

“Or What?” he laughed.

“I’ll call Kyle.” I told him as we neared the river.

“Ooh...I’m so scared.” he muttered sarcastically.

“You should be.” A deep powerful voice boomed around us making me shiver.

“Alpha..I-I wasn’t..” Jesse spun around quickly as Kyle came to us.

“Put down my mate and I’ll forget about it.” he said gently. Jesse set me down carefully and I stuck my tongue out at him. If I wasn’t so tired I would have let him throw me in the river but I didn’t want to get wet right before I went to bed.

“I’m so Kyle.” I told him running to his side, his eyes calmed and his body stop shaking as he wrapped his arms around me tightly. “I really missed you Jesse.” I said twisting in Kyle’s arms to face him.

“Yeah I missed you too.” He said shaking his head not looking at me before walking away making me feel horrible.

“Jesse wait!” I called but Kyle held me closer to him as I struggled to free myself. “Kyle! Let go of me.”

“Not so you can run after some other guy.” He growled.


“No.” He growled again.

“Let me go.” I growled back at him and he flinched but kept his hands around my waist, “Let. Me. Go.”

“Annie.” he sighed defeated as he took his hands off me.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered to him placing my palm on his face before kissing his cheek, “he’s my best friend, I can’t stand it if he’s angry at me.” He nodded slowly keeping his eyes locked on mine.

I quickly tore my eyes from his and took off after Jesse.


This is short, but I didn't want you to wait longer and this is all I wrote so.....

Hope you like!:P Anndd thanks for reading, it means alot!:)

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