Chapter 14 - I Want You

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Annie’s POV

    It was sad really how after everything he’s done to me I just take him back but I couldn’t fight it, those three words meant everything to me.

My heart broke when he left me alone I know he  needed to, and I know I told him too, but it still hurt so much. I wanted to stop him and I knew I could if I asked him too. I couldn’t thought I could see it on his face, he was torn. Leaving me or helping his pack. I didn’t mind much that he chose his pack over me mostly because they were my family and with out him, the Alpha, they would surely lose because the Alpha powers helped the entire pack fight stronger not to mention Kyle is one hell of a fighter. And besides if he stayed with me they would eventually come look for him and he’d have to fight them by himself because I wasn’t going to be any help.

A low growl broke through and I instantly froze. Slowly three gigantic brown wolves came out from the trees.

I’m going to die I thought nervously as they all growled viciously as they made their way over to me.

‘What!?!’ Kyle shouted in my head, I didn’t realize I sent that to him.

  The biggest of the three wolves, growl and jumped through the air pushing me down as I landed on the ground with a thud. I was much to weak to fight back so I lightly pushed against him.

The wolf gave a bark which sounded like a chuckle before he but my arm.

I screamed in pain and my wolf howled call to her mate. The wolf was suddenly gone when a powerful yet deafening growl filled the air drowning out my screams.

Standing above me in a protective stance was a black wolf and to the right I noticed a grey one as well. Kyle and Ben, they could beat these guys up if they were blindfolded, especially if they were defending me.

  I grabbed my arm tightly to try and stop the bleeding but it just bled more, normally it would bled a little then my wolf would heal it but she was much too weak, we haven’t  or sleep in days.

Ben trotted over to me while keeping a watchful eye on the three. He bent down and licked my wound and the bleeding slowed as it healed itself.

Kyle growled defensively as the on that attacked me stepped forward. As bug as he was Kyle was a little bit bigger so it reassured me even more.

‘Annie when I jump on them you run, got it?’ Kyle spoke calmly via mind link.

‘Yeah sure.’ I muttered quietly.

‘Annie you have to put your all into this, they could easily catch you.’

‘I will.’

‘On’ He yelled so loud it echoed in my head.

Kyle leaped at them uncovering me from his protective stance. Ben jumped in and it was two on three but I knew them and they could win.

  I pushed myself off from the ground and stumbled into the trees. I could walk in a straight line and my vision was blurry. My arm burned in pain as I pushed through the woods. I told Kyle I’d do my best and I was, I just wasn’t expecting this.

A blinding white light over took my eyes and I crumpled to the ground as a shock went through me over and over again.

A scream filled the night and and it took all I had not to let my scream escape. It wasn’t until I was wrapped in arms, my body tingling as they gently soothed me, that I realized I was the one screaming.

I still only saw the white light but it was muted and slowly fading away. Kyle rocked us back in forth humming softly in my ear. My screams died down as I calmed, I knew I’d be safe with Kyle.

“Are you ready to go home?” He asked. I nodded and he gently picked me up in his arms and I felt him sway as he walked.

Five minutes later I got my vision back and I looked up at him. He looked worried and tired. He had dark spots under his eye and was frowning in concern. I reached up and touched the spots gently. his head snapped down and his eyes met mine. I smiled softly at him and he returned it.

“You scared me there for a minute,” He told me quietly.

“Yeah sorry. I really put my all into that.”

He laughed, “Annie you made it like two feet.”

“Na-uh more like five or at least ten.” I scuffled.

He laughed again which made my insides warm in joy, “The sad part is it was true...”

“Huh?” What was true? How far I made it?

“That you tried your hardest.” He said softly, “I could feel how hard you were working but when you started screaming,” He held me tighter to his chest securing me safety in his arms, “I lost it.”

  I didn’t know what to say so I said, “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. If I’d known what they’d done to you I never would have let you leave me.” He growled and the vibrations rumbled in his chest making me feel safe and protected.

“Don’t blame yourself, Kyle.” I whispered.

He looked down at me before glaring in front of him.

“I should have been there to protect you.” we stayed silent for a second when he looked back down at me, his eyes soft, “ I should have been there.”

“You’re here now and that’s all that matters now.” I told him.

He smiled, “I’m going to make it up to you, okay. For everything I’ve done to you, everything I put you through. I’m going to make you love me the way you should.” he told me determination seeping into his voice.

“I already love you and you know it.” I laughed lightly.

“No not like that, not the bond that makes you love you. I want you to fall in love with me like all mates do, I want to earn it.”


“Please give me a chance.” He pleaded as he came to a stop, placing me on my feet gently. He took my hands in his and I stared into his loving eyes, “I want you. I want you by my side every minute of every second of everyday. But you have to love me for me and not because the bond tells you, you love me. I want you to be happy with me and not hate me deep down when your with me. I want to make it up to you.”

“Are you sure you won’t get sick of me?” I teased, because honestly I was at a loss for words.

“Never.” he growled.


Short.... yes, I wanted to write this today though:)

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