Chapter 13 - She's bait

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Annie’s POV


Pain. That’s all I felt as my eyes slowly opened. I could barley lift my head as I began to stir. My breathing was ragged and my knees weak, if I wasn’t chained to the wall I’m sure I would have collapsed by now.

I growled as something pinched my side.

“Now, now baby its just me.” they guy said as he shoved the needle deeper into my skin as I hissed and howled. “What you  don’t want to eat?” He asked then shrugged, “Suit yourself.” and he with drew the needle.

Kyle’s POV


   She’s gone.

  I can barley function, I miss her so much, not to mention I feel everything she does so it made it that much harder for me to do anything but look for her.
    When i get my hands on these people who took her, I won’t hold back that much I’m sure of.

I growled pushing myself further and faster, I haven’t slept or ate since she left. Finding her was the most important thing right now and I couldn’t be sidetracked with stupid things that would slow me down.

I was desperately tyring to find her sent, I know it’s been 3 days, 14 hours, 23 minutes and ten seconds from the last time I saw her, but who counting anyway. Me.

My wolf howled but got nothing in return. Ever since we got cut off a day ago she hasn’t answered me back and it was driving me crazy. I know she wouldn’t do it on purpose so they must have given her some of the thing to break a mate’s connection for a while. I’m going to kill them.

‘Kyle come on, come home.’ Dillion said through the link.

‘I can’t not without her.’ I growled.

‘You need to sleep and eat. Don’t do this, you can’t ignore...”

‘Stop.’ I commanded, “She’s not eating or sleeping, maybe a little but if she’s not, I’m not.’

‘Fine but at least come home, moms worried.’

I swallowed hard, I didn’t want to worry anyone or hurt them but I needed Annie, can’t they see that? Can’t they understand that I couldn’t or wouldn’t put anything before her, not anymore.

‘Fine.’ I mumbled turning around to run back after all I already tried following her scent, it lead nowhere.

Once I got home my mom grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me in for a hug.

“Honey don’t do that again.” she scolded me but smiled a little, “Come on lets feed you.” she grabbed my hand but I held back.

“I can’t eat.” I told her firmly.

“Kyle, I know you’re worried about her but not eating is only weakening you more and you won’t be able to save her if you die looking.” She told me softly. I growled lowly at the thought of not saving her but she was right, I needed to eat and that only made me want to find her that much more.

“I’ll eat when I find her.” I told her and her face fell, “excuse me.” I walked around her making my way to my fathers office.

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