Chapter 12- Don't move

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Annie’s POV

My whole body ached and I slowly opened my eyes and saw nothing, it was dark, I tried to move my arms to whip my eyes to see more clearly but I couldn’t, I was chained to the wall.

My heart raced and I struggled with the chains making a clanging noise fill the dead air. All of a sudden I felt it burning my skin and something poke into my skin.

A deep chuckle boomed through the darkness and I struggled more which only made the chains pinch tighter going deeper into my skin.

“The more you struggle princess the tighter it gets and deeper the pins are pushed into your wrists.” A guy told me as the light in room flickered on. I flinched at the brightness like it burned, which it did to my eyes. My long brown hair, thankfully, created a curtain between us, shielding my face from the burning of the light.

Cold fingers touched my cheeks pulling my face till I came face to face with my kidnapper.

His eyes were a deep red, that held nothing but hatred. His lips twitched into a nasty smile as he felt me shake under his gaze.

“Are you scarred?” He joked.

“No.” I growled. I don’t know how I growled or why my voice didn’t crack.

His grip on my face tightened and he growled. “You need to learn how to respect those who are better than you.” He spat.

   “Better?” I snorted, “you kidnapped me!” Where was this coming from?

  His fingers were gone for less then a second before his hand met my face. My cheek burned and I bit my lip to quit from screaming in pain. I wouldn’t, no couldn’t show weakness in front of him.

“Like I said, you need to learn how to respect those who are better than you, can you do that?” He growled.

I should have nodded, I should have been a good girl and did what he asked but it was like my body was taken over and I couldn’t control myself anymore.

“Fuck you.” I growled at him. My inner self blushed but it wasn’t spread onto my face, I hardly ever swore out loud I usually felt dirty after swearing but this time instead I felt powerful.

  His grip was like steel around my neck as he pushed me harder against the wall while his other hand in a tight fist collided with my stomach.

A crack and a sharp pain in my side made my eyes go wide as tears streamed down my face.

“Never insult me again.” he hissed in my ear before leaving me once again alone in a dark room.

It was hours before he came back. I’ve been still basically the entire time, except for my heavy breathing, it was like I was panting. It was hard to breath, he must have broke my ribs, God it hurt like hell.

  He opened the door and the light turned on. My wolf howled in pain...again. His lips curled into a smile and laughed darkly.

“Still in pain princess?”

“No.” I hissed even though the pain was killing me.

“Oh.” he said lightly stepping closer. I stayed still, I don’t think I could take the pain in my ribs and my wrists, it would be to much. “Than this should make it.” he smiled as his fist collided with my stomach in the exact spot he hit before.

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