Chapter 5- The Some What Plan..

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Annie's POV

“Come on,” Ben called up the stairs.

“I'm coming.” I yelled back walking to the door. I stopped to grab a sweater, because I wasn't entirely comfortable with the outfit I was wearing.

I was wearing a short skirt with a skimpy top that showed to much cleavage for me, but I needed to wear this because I wanted Kyle jealous and he obviously like Sammi in these clothes, so what better way?

I sent a text telling Jesse my plan and he told me it was a bad idea. I told him he just didn't want other guys checking me out and he sent me back a winky face. I also told him not to pick me up because I wanted to ride with Kyle...and everyone else.

I waited until the last possible moment because then if they made me change I could just complain that we would be late.

“Bye,” I told my mom as I passed her. She stared at me in shock.

I smiled and ran to the car where everyone was waiting. I could get out of not changing from my brother but not my mom.

“What the hell are you wearing?” Kyle growled as he took in my outfit.

“Go change,”Ben ordered.

I rolled my eyes, “Just drive please or we'll be late.”

They both glared at me. “fine geez, I'll put on my sweatshirt.”

“You have extra pants too?” Kyle asked his eyes hard.

I glared at him and zip the sweater so it covered most of the cleavage. Kyle growled and I noticed the familiar sent of Jesse fill my nose.

This was way better than my own sweatshirt I thought I grabbed. He was really jealous now. I smiled, “Lets go.”

“Take it off now.” He growled loudly and I swear the car shook.

“No. This is my favorite.” I shrugged trying to remain calm but I was scared of the look on his face.

“Get out.” he told me. I was unable to breath.

'No please, just take the damn sweatshirt off.' my wolf whined.

“Fine.” I shouted back, “Jess will pick me up.” I was about to open the door when he growled and threw the car into reverse. Tears were in my eyes as he sped to school.

“I like your outfit.” Sammi leaned in to tell me.

I gave her a small smile, even if she was a slut and was stealing my mate. “Thanks.”

Ben turned around in the passengers seat. “When we get to school go to your gym locker and change.” Kyle nodded in agreement as he parked in the almost full lot.

“No way.” I told them opening the door and trying to get away.

Tingling hands caught my arm spinning me around to face him. My breath caught as I took in the look on his face. He still looked angry but mixed with hurt and pain.

“At least wear mine.” he whispered.

My heart stuttered and I thought I imagined it.

I pulled away roughly crossing my arms across my chest. “If you'll leave me alone.” I wanted to wear his but he rejected me, so what, is he just playing with me now?

He sighed clenching his fist. “Fine, do what ever the hell you want.” he told me before walking away.

“Annie?” A familiar voice questioned from behind me.

“Brad, hey.” Jesse said suddenly appearing next to me.

“Hey?” He looked confused at Jesse, he looked cute with his face all scrunched up. My wolf growled at that thought and I smiled, showing her I didn't care.

“Jesse,” he nodded.

“So,” he turned back to me, “you want to show me around?”

“Yeah, sure.” I nodded eagerly. He held out his arm and I linked it with mine. “See ya Jess, oh and thanks once again for yesterday.” I told him before Brad lead me away.

“First things first, your locker.”

~* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~

I showed Brad around all day, he was actually a really funny guy. He kept making me laugh with the weird things he said.

I smiled leading him to the lunch table. As usual I looked in the direction of my mate. He looked at me a moment before glaring at Brad.

Good then he will feel what I feel whenever he's with Sammi.

“How many brothers do you have?” I asked as he kept telling me crazy things his brothers kept doing.

“Nine,” he smiled as my mouth hung open in shock.

“All boys?” I questioned.

“Last time I checked brothers are what you call boy siblings.” He laughed.

I laughed along with him and blushed a dark red, “sorry, I'm just shocked.”

He laughed again, “yeah my mom kept trying for that girl.”

“Did she get it?”

He shook his head. “No. It's to bad too, I always wanted a little sister. “he said

“That's sweet.” I smiled, “I've always wanted a sister too, but I got stuck with one brother,” I told him pointing to Ben who was leaving behind Caitlyn.

He smirked, “That's not fair, you got one while I got nine.”

“And you can keep them.” I told him as he laughed, “ones way more than I can handle.”

“Hey Annie, are you busy after school?” Brad asked as he pulled me away from my friends while heading back to class.

I shook my head, my breathing caught and I had to remember to breath when a sent caught my attention, sending my body into a fit of tingles and wanting.

I turned my head and found him. He was standing right next to us, glaring at Brad. I smiled when he touched my arm, sending shivers through me.

“Annie,” he whispered, sending a new wave of shivers through me.

NO! He rejected you! Don't show him how much you love his touch, voice or even his presence.

I pulled away from his touch with that in mind. “Kyle.” I warned.

His head snapped up, his eyes flashed with anger before I could ask he pushed me into a supply closet.

“Don't leave, please I need to know you're okay.” he pleaded searching my eyes.

I nodded quickly. “What?”

“I don't have time, just stay. Please.” He said before bringing his lips to mine. He pushed me away just as quickly and left through the door. I felt my tingling lips and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered while I remembered.

I waited for five minutes, when the door opened for a second and shut.

“Kyle?” I asked completely freaked out.

A deep chuckle filled the small space, making me freeze.

It wasn't Kyle.


Arighty, getting good.. haha...:P

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