Chapter 29 - Expecting The Worse

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Annie’s POV

    “White or yellow?” I asked Kyle looking around the kitchen after the cabinets got put in.

“What?” he laughed looking back at me with a grin.

“For the cabinets.” I told him rolling my eyes with a smile on my face, “I want to lighting up the room, the wood makes it darker in here.”

“What ever you pick I’m sure will look beautiful.”

  “Kyle, I want to do this together.” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Fine yellow, to bring the sun in, but I gotta say  when you walk into a room the whole world brightens even with all this wood.” he smirked wrapping his arms around my waist making me blush, “I love it when you blush.” he growled.

“I look like a firetruck.” I laughed pulling him closer to me.

  “A sexy firetruck with my mark on them.” He kissed the spot on my neck and I moaned and he grinned.

“Kyle.” I whispered breathlessly, “we have school.”

“I don’t care.” he growled lowly.

“Well you should.” Baily laughed walking through the door looking around, “this was so sweet of you.” She cooed at Kyle and then turned to Connor, “Why didn’t you do this for us?”

  “I-I...” he trailed off looking for help.

  “Bailey, relax I’m sure he’s got something up his sleeve.” I nodded to her. Kyle laughed behind me, and Connor shot me a glare. Sure I just saved his ass and he glares at me.

“Really! Awh you’re the best Con.” And she wrapped her arms around him. He looked at me and ran his thumb over his neck glaring at me. Kyle growled and Connor mouthed sorry, rolling his eyes.

Kyle’s POV

    “Do you think I’d make a great father?” Brad asked me looking over at Sammi.

I nodded, “yeah, that little guy is going to have the good life. Two parents who love him and carrying an entire race in the palm of his hands.” I laughed.

“Lets hope we have more so he doesn’t carry the load all by himself.” He laughed as Sammi looked up from talking to Annie. Who know they’d be such good friends?

“Get on it boy.” I laughed looking up as Annie and Sammi came over to us.

“What are you guys laughing about?” Sammi asked sitting on Brad’s lap and Annie on mine.

“Just stupid stuff.” he shrugged kissing her.

“I need to talk to you.” Annie whispered nervously fiddling with her hands not looking at me. This is bad.

“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” I quickly asked looking over her, she looked good well more than good really she was glowing.

  She laughed and the sound was music to my ears and I sighed in relief. “Come on.” She held my hand leading me away, “lets go home.”

  I followed her all the way to the meadow before she turned to look at me, “I need to tell you something and I’m not sure how you’re going to take it.” She told me letting my hand drop. Is she leaving me? Oh no she changed  her mind, she doesn’t want me. What am I going to do now?

I sighed closing my eyes, and then looked at her, “I know.” I whispered.

  “You do?” She asked relieved. I nodded and tried to smile she really wants to do this. “What do think of it?”

  Why does she want my opinion? If she’s leaving me I don’t see how I should be happy about it but she seemed happy so I tried to be brave for her, “It sounds great, so uh, you still want to live out here?” I asked she could have this house, it was hers anyways and I didn’t want to live in it if she wasn’t with me.

She nodded hesitantly, great I made her uncomfortable. “If you don’t think that’s a great idea we could just stay in the pack house.” We! She already is seeing him?! I felt like my heart was ripped out.

  “No, your house is good.” I nodded to the house next to us.

“Do you think they’ll like it?” She whispered staring at it distantly.

“They?” I asked confused. Who is they?

“Oh.” She blushed looking at me, God she breaking my heart. “Uh were having triplets.”

“Who?” I asked wide-eyed.

“Us silly, what did you think I was talking about?” She laughed, my heart filling with joy. She wasn’t leaving me! I nearly shouted it but instead I picked her up and twirled her around and she laughed harder.

“God I love you Annie.” I whispered bring her lips to mine and then going down to her belly, “Daddy’s here.”

“What did you think I was talking about?” She asked cupping my face in her hands bring me up to her level.

  “It doesn’t matter anymore, I just thought the worse.”

  “I would never leave you.” She told me and I smiled.


So all I have is the Epilogue and then it's over... I want to thank everyone who read this story and who voted and commented because without you this story would still be nothing but a thought in my head I never finished.. so thanks....

AND I started a new werewolf story called A Little To Late, if you want to read that too! Thanks Again!

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