Chapter 8- Silly Me..

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~Annie's POV~.

“I sure had fun last night.” Brad told me as he nudged my side. I smiled over at him.

“Me too.” I laughed, “You should come over after school and just hang out.”

“I'd love to.” he smiled and winked before walking away.

I was walking out of the school when arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and grabbed his arms. “You really are something,” Brad whispered in my ear. I laughed and twisted around to face him. He was grinning from ear to ear.

“Kyle!” a voice squealed, my eyes flashed over to them. Kyle had Sammi pinned to the wall, kissing her neck.

I had a sting pain in my chest. I wanted him to love me. Why wasn't I good enough for him?

I looked down and pulled away from Brad completely.

“Come on,” I said, walking down the stairs into the parking lot. My eyes stung with tears that threatened to over flow.

“My cars over here.” Brad told me grabbing my hand. I flinched and my wolf growled.

I turned my head and noticed Kyle was watching.

'Are you okay?' Kyle asked, 'Your wolf growled.'

'I'm fine.' I snapped at him, squeezing Brad's hand as he opened his car door for me. 'Continue to kiss your bitch.'

Brad closed the door and walked to the other side getting in.

“Hurry.” I said quickly jumping up in the seat. I saw Kyle walking towards us with a confused and angry looking face. Brad started the car, “Go!” I screamed when Kyle started running.

Brad pulled away with a smirk on his face. I leaned back in the seat and directed him to my house.

We got out of the car laughing and Brad took my hand. I spun around as a black car broke through the trees and spun out in front of us.

My heart skipped and I felt the sudden need to run to it. I smiled as I saw him getting out of the front, his brown hair windswept.

He growled and I quickly let go of Brad's hand. Brad looked down at me confused.

“Annie,” he started but was cut off by a loud, threatening growl. I looked at Kyle, now he wants me? I glared at him and pulled Brad's hand inside.

Kyle blocked the entrance, “Kyle, Brad and I are going inside.”

“No.” he growled..

“Stop this!” I screamed at him, “You made it pretty clear you don't want me. You told me you loved Sammi! I. Hate. You.” I told him.

“Y-you love me?” Sammi asked from behind me. I felt Brad's hand tighten on mine.

Kyle looked surprised and then angry, glaring at me before looking back up at her. “Baby, everything's fine. I wanted to tell you a different way but,” He turned to look me in the eyes, “I love you.”

“Look at me when you say it.” Sammi said grabbing his face.

“I-I...” He stuttered. He then pushed her away and ran into the woods. Sammi shrugged and walked inside. I looked at the place Kyle left, I wanted to run after him.

My stomach fluttered as I heard him say I love you. I think it would have hurt if it had been for him looking at me. Was it possible he meant it for me? No. He rejected me. I sighed and turned to Brad, he was looking wide eyed into the house.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He glared down at me, before his face softened, “Yeah, I'm fine.”


We were in my room, I sitting on the bed my legs crossed while Brad sat in my desk chair. We were just talking and laughing.

“I'm going to get a drink, alright?' he told me.

“Yeah sure,” I told him, “I'll pick a movie.”

We both went down stairs and I went into the living room while brad went to the kitchen.

I went through the hundreds of movies and finally ended up picking the Pursuit of Happiness.

Brad came back when the movie was all set up. His face was flushed and his lips swollen.

I gasped. “did you fin your mate?” I asked jumping on the spot next to him. He nodded staring straight ahead refusing to look at me. I laughed at his shock face, “well, tell me.” I complained leaning on him.

He shook his head, “what movie are we watching?”

“Why won't you tell me?” I asked pouting a little.

“Annie start the movie.”

“Not until you tell me.”

“Start it Annie.” I shook my head and he grabbed the remote from my hands and pressed play.

I sighed and shifted so I was far away from him. Why won't he tell me? It can't be that bad.

He tried to grab my arm and pull me to him.

“Don't touch me.” I told him.

“Come on why are you mad?

“Because you won't tell me.”

“Annie, it's not important.”
“How is it not important?!” I screamed at him standing up. “Don't touch me.”


“Get the hell away from her.” Kyle growled pulling me behind him, “I think you should leave.”

I felt guilty, Brad didn't deserve this I just thought we were close enough he would tell me.

“I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me and you don't have to leave.” I told him walking around Kyle's tense, glorious, body and hugged Brad. It didn't feel right and I instantly craved Kyle's touch.

I quickly pushed away from him and smiled, he looked relived but pissed as he glared behind me. My protective instinct of my mate kicked in. I growled at Brad and he stepped away from me, fear, plain on his face.

I felt warm fingers wrap around my wrist shooting sparks up my arm and crazy flutters in my stomach.

'I got this,' he sent me.

“I'm sorry Annie, I didn't mean to I just...” Brad said.

“I'm sorry too but I think you should leave.” I didn't like that he growled at my mate, even if he rejected me, I loved him too much to watch that and if Brad stayed he might do it again or worse fight him. I couldn't deal with that.

He nodded and walked out the front door. As soon as he left Jesse came in a smile lit up my face.

“Jesse!” I screamed and he smiled holding out his arms but I didn't move, Kyle was still touching me and honestly, I loved it.

“Hey Annie, Alpha.” he bowed slightly even though he knew he was my mate and he knew he rejected me he still had to respect him.

Kyle let go of me and my head turned to him so quickly I swear I could have gotten whiplash. The smile whipped off my face.

“I got to go find Sammi.” He said suddenly walking out the front door.

My heart broke as I watched him walk away. I thought he cared, I guess I was wrong. I was stupid, careless with my heart. I thought I could trust him, my mate, silly me thinking my soul mate actually might care, might even love me...


What do think? Like it? Hate it?

I feel bad for Annie too.. Kyle is beign so bipolar! I swear...

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